2024-25 SFCU Player of the Season (vs WSW open now)

I do my voting in consultation with my partner who isn’t on the forum, so you could count me as two people


Typical Labor branch stacking…


Well well well. Everyone who said you would make an effort to vote in every game this season… here’s your chance to prove yourself :laughing:

Cupset II vs Oakleigh open now


Done, but yeah.

That was hard voting for the least shitest performance out there.

I gave my points to the kids, they can only improve hopefully.

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Done because I said I would try and do every game this season… but fuck me that was a chore

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I’m going to have to watch it, ffs. Couldn’t last night.
Mayybeee…the highlights will give me an opinion…

Edit: Nope, highlights gave me nothing.

I’ve decided not to watch the whole match, why would i? i’ve voted going by reading the match thread just to get my vote in.

I voted but don’t judge me please on my choices


I dont know what (if anything) changed this year but I’ve clicked the link to vote once every year and never been able to register a vote. I must’ve tried for 9 or 10 years and for the first time ever, the link worked.

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For anyone interested in the survey results, by far the most commonly endorsed “things that would make me more likely to vote” were related to the voting system, and I will keep looking into that.

Next in line though was something amenable to a quick-fix: “announce more than just the man of the match”. So, I have decided that for the first part of the season, I will announce the top 3 for each match. To keep things interesting though, we’ll revert to the usual system (only announcing MOTM) at the halfway point of the ALM regular season, i.e., after Round 14.

Here they are then: against Oakleigh, Anas Ouahim became the 21st Sydney FC player to score on debut (the 4th for whom that goal was a penalty) and the 10th player to win SFCU MOTM on debut. Behind him were two youngsters separated by just 2 votes: Lachie Middleton came in 2nd on his debut, and Jaiden Kucharski was 3rd.

The next most popular survey choice was “Sydney FC to play better”, which I can’t really help with and neither did the team… But we did have more voters than for the corresponding match last season, so hopefully that is a good sign.

After that came “announce the winner(s) sooner after the match”. Which I obviously didn’t do this time, but might be able to do in future if I set up a more efficient system for collating the votes. But it would also require me to shut off voting much earlier. Keen to hear thoughts on that.


I would think if people haven’t voted within 72 hours, chances are they won’t

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Monday night cut off would be better, as weekends are , well weekends.

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Monday night, or even Tuesday evening would work ok for me actually – Tuesday is usually when I get the chance to update my database/website with the weekend’s results anyway. So I would be able to tally them up and announce the winner the same night.

One downside would be missing the votes from the @Sky_Blue_Stories hosts. I also think there is a not-tiny number of people who rewatch the game and vote later in the week, although I’ve never checked the timestamps properly to get an idea of exactly how many.


  • Keep it as one week later
  • Change it to close on Tuesday evening
0 voters

(Obviously I would adjust it for midweek games)

I’ll take that as a pretty clear result. It stays at one week later.

And now just a short five week wait until our next competitive match…


Can we vote on bringing this forward?

Or maybe pushing it back?

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Bumping this as a reminder that we finally have match 2 tonight. Voting will open shortly after the game ends.

Take your chance to log in now, so that you’re ready - https://www.sfcu.com.au/login/


vs Eastern


I’m gonna need to watch the replay.

Everyone was on fire tonight.

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voted. 100% record for this season


you get a point, you get a point, you get a point…