Randomly, the home screen MOTM link doesn’t direct you to the right page. Takes you to last years semi final
Randomly, the home screen MOTM link doesn’t direct you to the right page. Takes you to last years semi final
Thanks, forgot to update it since last year. Have fixed it now
Day after is a good chance to vote. Thanks for reminding Rowdy.
I was assuming it was a homage to Paramont+ which I think still shows the first ever ALM game as default in certain random areas
Just bumping this in the hope of getting a few more votes from people who might’ve missed it…
And for anyone hanging out desperately for the result - sorry to say I’m travelling over the next week so won’t be able to tally the votes up as promptly as usual!
Just in time for tonight’s match, here are the results for ACL2 MD1 vs Eastern SC:
We had a good number of voters, and they gave the MOTM again to Anas Ouahim. He tallied 70 votes, and just two behind was Leo Sena, with fellow Brazilian debutant Douglas Costa picking up the final point for third. A good day for the foreign contingent.
Thanks for voting and apologies for the delay in results. Hopefully the performance tonight continues to inspire good voting numbers. Check this thread for voting to open after the match.
vs Kaya
Could really only justify 5 points so threw Maxxy a bone and gave him the final one for the comedic value of seeing him at LB.
Easiest 6 points I’ve ever given out to 3 players.
Despite the early goal, I thought Redmayne earned a point. On account of him being the shittest, most uselessly incompetent goalkeeper that’s ever bothered to don a pair of gloves and guard a net that’s bound to a metal frame.
Clearly , you are just a fanboy.
I just cant justify giving Klimala a point. Hes clearly the shittest striker weve ever signed
Is this shit going to happen all season? It’s already fuckin old. If someone says something you disagree with (not just you but I have seen it popping up half a dozen times already re: Redmayne) are you going to continually refer back to it, again and again, across multiple threads?
It isn’t interesting, funny, witty, or clever. It’s embarrassingly childish. It’s what you hated Syd Gooner for doing so often.
Well by golly if there is no goo for feasting we’ll make our own!
Wait, so does that make Paulska the shittest member of SFCU?
Worst thread ever
Belated result for the away win over Kaya:
Another clean sweep for our foreigners, with Douglas Costa again getting a point for third. This time Patryk Klimala snuck into second in place of Leo Sena, but it was Anas Ouahim who made it 3 MOTMs from 3 matches. After coming off the bench, Anas got votes from 31 of the 38 voters, which was lower than the 35 who gave Klimala votes, but he ended up with 64 in total compared to the Pole’s 58.
A big run of games coming up in the next few weeks — I’ll try to keep on top of the tallying, but will appreciate all votes!
It’s cos his ethnic isn’t it?
That was my reasoning when voting.