ALM - Round 13 Discussion - 2024/25

The best thing about Melbourne Victory losing is that it is an innocent pleasure devoid of caveats or negativity. Lose playing well? Haha such that karma arsehats! Lose playing badly? No points and less prospect of turning it around, so IM IN!

Sydney win and we’re all worried about the defense, the sterile attack, the shit 80 minutes, etc etc etc.



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So basically however Melby loses, we all win!

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Comical that that AS are paying part of Folamis wages at the reds

Own goal. 1-0 reds

God Wellington are fucking dire to watch. Even the home fans are starting to boo their back passes and zero intent.

Every time i hear Wellington fans singing that fucking barmy army song it endears them to me less and less.

Get fucked. That’s not handball, VAR shouldn’t even be intervening. Well done Casey Reibelt.

I feel like it did hit his arm, but even if it did that is not a fucking handball.

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The fact that she didn’t laugh in the VAR’s face on the first replay is demoralising. That would’ve been probably the worst VAR penalty ever.


She looked at it for 3 mins and then deduced it didn’t hit his arm, implying it would have been a ben if it did. Right decision by a stroke of luck only, can’t really give her any credit.

Side note, Brisbane have looked alright.

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That’s amazing. She’s been consistently terrible in ALW for years and is only here thanks to the tokenism so I should’ve figured something like that was up.


I think her being given the first serious shot at being a female referee in the A League is going to set back the progress of the female referees to come.
She’s terrible and shouldn’t be out there. Mind you I think that of a few of the make referees at the moment as well. Definitely a case of who you know, not how good you are happening in the referee ranks at the moment.

At least Sarah Ho made it as an AR on ability alone.

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Is Sarah Ho still around? I haven’t seen her for ages

Retired last year I think

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She should’ve been put out to pasture after THE worst offside call in the history of world football.


Looked offside to me :rofl:

In fairness to her, I’d have assumed he was offside as well if he got the ball in the net. Fuck me, Newcastle have had some ordinary imports.

I’ve always assumed some cheeky fucker behind her screamed “OFFSIDE!” as a joke and she raised her flag on involuntary impulse. If so, fair play, would be the best contribution ever made by a Wests fan in-stadium.

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They really needed to introduce some sort of video replay to avoid those howlers

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Time for the real distance derby.
Suck it Wellington.

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