That guy’s a dick.
That guy’s a dick.
I mean it’s taking a shoey to a whole new level of depravity.
He got what he wanted. He’s not going to be able to face a “fair” criminal trial in Australia now.
Can we send him to the Taliban for prosecution?
The SAS should be disbanded.
They still do war crime trials at The Hague yeah?
There’s also some humour in Kerry Stokes having to fork out some cash to Nine.
Can you really say war crimes were proven during a defamation case, rather than a criminal one? The bar is a hell of a lot lower…
If it was only 1 incident then I’d tend to lean that way but these are multiple incidents over several deployments. He would not have been serving with the same people for each incident so for several different people to offer up evidence then it is quite indicative of a pattern of behaviour.
I guess we will have to wait until the declassified findings are released however I still expect they will be heavily redacted.
On the balance of probabilities.
The summary of the ruling: The Ben Roberts-Smith defamation judgment: read Justice Anthony Besanko’s full summary | Ben Roberts-Smith | The Guardian
and now throwing money at Brittany Higgins’ rapist.
Im sure that despite the verdict, there are many, many out there who carry that same sentiment still.
The judge said he’s happy that the evidence provided showed that the incidents did occur. Granted they may not have been legally termed war crimes, but it’s not that much of a leap. Plus they’re saying war crimes were proven, not that he was convicted of war crimes
Defemation is ‘on the balance of probabilities’, rather than ‘behind reasonable doubt’. There a huge difference in threshold between the two.
It’s extraordinary still that BRS brought this action himself.
I keep reflecting on that and still feel a sense of disbelief.
The proceedings and outcome of the trial are vastly more damaging and better known than the original articles.
Probably got a good job lined up with the Wagner Group though.
Totally, and it’s given Channel 9/The Age/SMH carte blanche to continue putting the boot into him.
You’d say it was solely about preventing criminal prosecution but he’s probably arrogant enough, especially with Stokes backing, to think he can win and he’d come away as a hero.
This is an old article that turned up on twitter today.
I know very little about this, but the whole thing is disturbing on multiple levels.
Apparently his parents are people of ‘standing’, elite private school, questions about what he got the VC for in comparison to other recipients.
Looks more and more like a bunch or entitled cunts that have used and abused a public institution. Allegedly.