Clothes, cars, hairstyles... The chronophoto thread

I got a score of 2123 on today’s Chronophoto: 16/9/2024
Round 1: 396
Round 2: 155
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 342
Round 5: 453

I got pic 5 wrong……again

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I got a score of 3007 on today’s Chronophoto: 16/09/2024
Round 1: 453
Round 2: 513
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 117
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

Bit annoying to get a repeat but I think I got it last time too. Hairstyles are a bit of a giveaway

I got a score of 2499 on today’s Chronophoto: 16/9/2024
Round 1: 10
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 155
Round 5: 708

I got a score of 2928 on today’s Chronophoto: 16/09/2024
Round 1: 849
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 0​:x:
Round 4: 155
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

Getting worse the more I try.

I got a score of 2380 on today’s Chronophoto: 16/9/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 342
Round 4: 396
Round 5: 708

I got a score of 3783 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/09/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 849
Round 5: 708 Chronophoto - Daily


I got a score of 4265 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/09/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 777

I got a score of 3411 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/09/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 640
Round 3: 290
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 849

I got a score of 2914 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/09/2024
Round 1: 196
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 453

I got a score of 3089 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/9/2024
Round 1: 396
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 849
Round 5: 290

I got a score of 2998 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/09/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 513
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 0​:x:
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

Got under 1000 yesterday. Never do it while suffering from gastro

I got a score of 3791 on today’s Chronophoto: 17/9/2024
Round 1: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 2: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 3: 83
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 708


Geez is that the first time anyone’s had three aces?

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That 83 is a killer!

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Yeah… game got me hard for some ridiculous guesses

There was a year in the they’re e sign of the first pic but it was for the following year , which is why I assume a bunch of us were off by 1 for that one. Learnt the hard way to look at the movie posters and signs.

The Russian one got me, I should have finyd better on that. Nike can’t have been there until later than I guessed.

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Back to reality!

I got a score of 2579 on today’s Chronophoto: 18/09/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 453
Round 3: 513
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 196

I got a score of 2242 on today’s Chronophoto: 18/9/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 0​:x:
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 117

I got a score of 1391 on today’s Chronophoto: 18/9/2024
Round 1: 453
Round 2: 342
Round 3: 117
Round 4: 396
Round 5: 83

Had an absolute Barry