Clothes, cars, hairstyles... The chronophoto thread

That photo was interesting as it had very eastern Europe vibes, which considering the smoke, would denote two different periods, 1939 or 1941 onwards. Like Rory said, there’s no real fatigue or low moral on the German faces, so would suggest the start of either operation.

Im no expert on uniforms etc. But i dont think there were any revolutionary changes in helmets or.Gean uniforms during the war, apart from some camo patterns. The biggest change would be an STG44 or types of tanks rather than uniforms

Definitely a tough one.

I got a score of 1924 on today’s Chronophoto: 1/10/2024
Round 1: 513
Round 2: 290
Round 3: 28
Round 4: 453
Round 5: 640

If I could swap the answers for 3 and 4 around …

I got a score of 3466 on today’s Chronophoto: 01/10/2024
Round 1: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 2: 342
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 708

Not really, as others have said, there’s nothing that resembles war fatigue on those soldiers.

I got a score of 3147 on today’s Chronophoto: 01/10/2024
Round 1: 708
Round 2: 396
Round 3: 342
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 777

I got a score of 2211 on today’s Chronophoto: 01/10/2024
Round 1: 708
Round 2: 453
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 342
Round 5: 0​:x:

That last one didn’t throw me off, i was certain of decade…the colour is great… but then…

I got a score of 2495 on today’s Chronophoto: 2/10/2024
Round 1: 0​:x:
Round 2: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 10

Fuck! Greek/Turkish kids with sacks in black and white!

I got a score of 3100 on today’s Chronophoto: 02/10/2024
Round 1: 396
Round 2: 575
Round 3: 575
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 777

I got a score of 3420 on today’s Chronophoto: 02/10/2024
Round 1: 708
Round 2: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 3: 155
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 849

Tried a Google lens on it and it shows up on what appears to be a Hungarian collection, but with no description unfortunately.

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I got a score of 2933 on today’s Chronophoto: 2/10/2024
Round 1: 28
Round 2: 640
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 849

That’s interesting. I just redid it chrome so I could check. One match? THey’ve got some interesting things going on sourcing the pics.

Also, this is way easier when you do it for the 2nd time in a different browser!

I got a score of 5000 on today’s Chronophoto: 02/10/2024
Round 1: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 2: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 3: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:


I got a score of 3569 on today’s Chronophoto: 02/10/2024
Round 1: 242
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 777

I got a score of 2207 on today’s Chronophoto: 3/10/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 0​:x:
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 10

Stupid Ice Hockey.

I got a score of 2802 on today’s Chronophoto: 03/10/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 83
Round 3: 640
Round 4: 849
Round 5: 453

I got a score of 2995 on today’s Chronophoto: 3/10/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 83
Round 3: 640
Round 4: 640
Round 5: 708

I got a score of 3094 on today’s Chronophoto: 3/10/2024
Round 1: 396
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 0​:x:

That first photo is great. The little smirk on the black guys face, and the little kid 2 over in a sailors hat? Wtf …. And the man in the middle looks like a young DiCaprio

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I got a score of 2302 on today’s Chronophoto: 03/10/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 342
Round 3: 396
Round 4: 640
Round 5: 0​:x:

Oh why did i think the 1st pic showed last years car… So i second guessed it was the year later.

You get some and then you fuck up the others completely.

I got a score of 2707 on today’s Chronophoto: 03/10/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 0​:x:
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 849