Cove boycott of alm finals

There will be no boycott of the women’s gf

If the women make it, they’d host it on merit right?
If so that’s fine, if not then I can’t say I agree with it at all.

I might have to boycott the non-boycott, and boycott.

You do you boo.

Yep, same to you.

No. The winner of the 1v2 game should host the GF on merit.

Thanks, game should be boycotted then (imo of course). Not really fair to Western United who would otherwise have hosted it.

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Yes but the protest is about the concept, not about merit. It undermines the fact that the Cove is protesting the decision to shift all finals to Sydney. Just because the women’s team would have been holding it anyway shouldn’t make any difference to the decision. In the same way, the supporters would boycott should the finals be guaranteed to be in Melbourne.

Can definitely understand the feelings around the women’s finals series. At the end of the day, the Cove is (mostly) involved with the men’s active support, and provide a level of support where possible for the women. It’s not as consistent or as big as it should be but we try where we can.

Ultimately we spoke with the people who are there for the women’s team, day in day out, the people most passionate about the ALW and their call was that the women’s league overall was collateral damage in the decision and didn’t want to completely boycott the side. We don’t feel in a position as the men’s side of active support to tell people far more committed and passionate than us what to do


They’ve been boycotting the finals for 6 years.


While I agree with your feelings, I also believe that if The Cove want to boycott, we should respect it.


What about governance that hurts the competition? If you don’t agree with the decision, we have a limited arsenal of ways to try and overturn it or ensure future decisions are not made in the same way. The statement indicates other avenues have been exhausted.


I am against any action that hurts the team, fuck the regime. How many FA’s around the world listen to the supporters?
Also standing with other teams who hate our very existence is balls to me.


So we just let them shit on supporters? Who gives a flying fuck what other FA’s do or don’t do?

Go to the fucking games if it makes you happy, just don’t undermine what the cove are doing by standing in the active area.


Another difference here being that our club was complicit in, and stands to benefit from, such a horrible decision that remains to the detriment of our league and the game as a whole.

Frankly, I’m still on the fence about next seasons membership.


And who gives a flying fuck what say either. I have been around long enough to know what works and what won’t. So you seriously believe that this will work ?

I think what is really going to happen is that there will be a heap of people (who may or may not be on socials) that either don’t see the boycott message or possibly even disregard it, resulting in the active bay/s being filled anyway. So the protest may not work in the same way it would during a regular season game.

Depends on the fixture, I think.
If it’s a derby, it might be disregarded just because Cove and RBB might want show each other up.

Central Coast is only 90 minutes up the road, at most. I don’t see there being too much less of an incentive for at least some of our fans to go.

I just wish people got this worked up about VAR, imo an infinitely bigger issue.


Thread seems to be proving APL right. I don’t recall any such apathy back in December, either side of the Melbourne riot.