"Doomed to repeat it" - the History thread

looks right from memory

You’ve gotta admire WA just putting a line down and saying they are done.

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What did Tassie come under before the 1850s? It’s not labelled as a separate entity but has its own colour there. It was the Colony of Tasmania from 1856 until statehood in 1901, but not sure how it was categorised before.

surely it was more the other states just happy to keep them there?

When i first came to Oz, my brother and i went to a school in outskirts of Cowra. Always remember it, Holmwood School. Years 1-3 in another class room and 4-6 in another.

Both were thought by 1 single teacher taking on probably 10-20 students in each class.

Anyway, there used to be a history lesson where our teacher would play the latest episode of Behind the News / ABC recorded on a VHS and after watching there would be a Q/A + Discussion.

I think i was 12 or so at the time,

So, here is a YT vid on this subject from 2014.

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This description of the funeral of William the Conquerer is spectacular:

An even greater commotion blew up when the time came to lay William to rest in his stone sarcophagus. It had been carved when the duke was younger and slimmer, and it proved too small for his immense body. After much effort by the monks to squeeze him into the tomb, his guts burst open in a putrid cascade. The stench surged through the abbey, assaulting the nostrils of the congregation, causing widespread nausea. The abbey was quickly vacated, and the burial of one of the greatest men of the eleventh century was attended only by those clergy prepared to brave the foul smell of his rotting flesh.

(Charles Spencer, ‘The White Ship: Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream’ 2020)


Don’t make em like that etc etc

The indignity of history… reminds me of the guy who fell off his horse.

The king himself rode a horse and shot arrows at a deer. However, the horse stumbled, causing him to fall off, but he was not injured. Looking around, he said, “Do not let the historians know about this.”[13][b]

— The Veritable Records of Taejong, Vol. 7, article 4


yeah they do