End of another season / EOS and Fundraiser details

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who uses the site and posts on here regularly, it’s really great to see the site full of high quality discussions again, I’m very proud to be an enabler of that.

Very special thanks to CountArach and Rowdy for their ongong contributions, CountArach spends countless hours creating content and promoting this site and Rowdy runs the best damn POTY voting system anywhere. I can’t thank you enough for your efforts.

Huge thanks to Alex (Chile) and James for their endless support for this new platform and for fixing shit when I break it.

We’re having the Cove End of Season party at the Bat & Ball on Saturday June 8th from 7:00pm, some amazing raffle prizes including signed shirts and other memorabilia. Raffle tickets will go on sale online soon and will be available on the night. Proceeds will pay for hosting (now half the price it was) and teh remainder will go to the Fans Fund. Cove 18/19 champions merchandise will also (very likely) be available.

Please come along and celebrate an amazing season with us.


Cheers as always for running this website, the effort you and the others put into making it all work better is much appreciated by those of us who want to have intelligent conversations about our football club. This site always makes me feel like part of the big family that is the club.


Here here! A massive thank you to all who put in their time. It is greatly appreciated.

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That’s the long weekend eh? And the first weekend after payday …

I do need to go to Ikea …

Booze ban lifted on June 6…timing!!

At the snow that weekend :frowning:

I don’t post often but a frequent lurker and wanted to say a huge thanks to Jubal and other active contributors this season and over the years.

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Can’t wait to see what I win in this year’s raffle!

You’re a serial winner mate.

It’s the only thing I ever win anything in. Still regretting letting you give me that clunky tablet (still lying around somewhere I think) instead of a bottle of whiskey.

I made a deal to switch Mothers’ Day celebrations to this date in order to go to the semi-final guilt-free, so I’m going to miss this for the first time in a while :frowning:

Always a great night, and a good chance to thank Jubal for his efforts. IOU a drink another time.