Everything is on fire - the US politics thread

And also, there is a rather interesting correlation between police standing down and reductions in violence.

It’s almost as if … nah, it could’t be could it?


Donald Trump tweeted this yesterday.

wasn’t he trying to give a police officer their helmet back?

No it was an assault rifle and the police showed commendable restraint.


you’re both wrong. He was hiding 5G in his phone and was going to infect everyone with COVID-19


That was how I saw it when it happened the other day. He pointed his phone at the cop’s groin, sending deadly 5g Coronavirii at his cock.

What a dick.

Just burn the country to the ground and start again.

So much for freedom of speech…

I found this rather interesting.

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I read that earlier today. I was going to share it but wasn’t sure of the validity of it. It seems there’s been a few similar stories from ex cops who left due to the corruption, so i guess it’s believable.

If it’s all true, there’s no chance of reform coming from within.

Yeah, I sat on it all day but decided to share.

It’s not the first source I’ve seen about where to spend money instead, but it’s the first internal source that says police are irretrievable.

The thing is that people are quick to blame the Police for everything, yet refuse to have a look at the society that created their system in the first place. Take the number of stories that John Oliver has done where, inevitably, the rich white guy is ripping off anyone poorer. Look at college football where coaches are paid hundreds of thousands and players get nothing, or the amount of times bills have been defeated in politics due to people being paid off by large corporations. Changing the Police force will do jack all to fix the problem. They need to change their system from the top down before it will work. They’l change the Police now and all that will happen is it’ll make a difference for a bit and then it’ll slowly move back to what it used to be.

On a slightly different note, you really do have to feel sorry for the cops that are actually decent people and are coping a huge amount of crap by association. I know it’s anecdotal, but one of my mates is in the Sydney anti-terror Squad. He says that every time they make a raid, the neighbors and family come out, start abusing them, start telling them about how the person they’re arresting is a good human being who wouldn’t hurt a fly and the rest. Meanwhile, my mate literally has multiple Facebook messages with the person talking about cutting someone’s head off or the usual extremist crap…

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All it takes to stop a bad cop is a good cop.

Maybe they should try that self policing thing?

Maybe cold shoulder that cop that kicked that kid over last week?

I asked in an other place, how do you tell the good cops from the bad cops?

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Id get the Coast Guard involved…

On a more serious note, it’s not an easy fix as just getting to good cops to rat out the bad ones. As the essay says, it goes all the way to the top. All that will happen is good cops will more often be ostracized and thrown out rather than actually making change. The first thing they need to do, is stop making senior figures completely political appointments and just chose the right people for the jobs. Then focus on changes from the top down.


I highly recommend the documentary ‘13th’ on Netflix for an insight into the history of black americans particularly in relation to the criminal justice system and slavery

If the RBB won’t self-police, you’ve fuck all chance of the police force doing it…





That is absolute pure GOLD