Everything is on fire - the US politics thread

Feck off with your American terminology, yankee boy.

Sad troll now on the ignore list. Thanks!

It’s essentially Aleague supporter groups. From time to time something will kick off but it’s mostly just posturing

Wanderers turncoat, rangers fan, and now an out and proud q-anon believer.

Talk about a hattrick of dumb fuckery

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And when 1 person starts fighting back against 20 people, the 20 run away?

Wow :rofl:

Stewman proving yet again the creation of WSW was the enema that literally flushed the shit right out of the SFC fanbase.


IF there was ANY actual fraud evidence, Fox News wouldn’t be having utter loons like this on as ‘evidence’



So an update on the real numbers are still projecting;

Trump 305 (more likely 311 with NV)
Biden 233

Their were big wins today for Trump in PA lawsuit, Michigan Audit, Georgia hand recount begins tomorrow 13th thru 18th. AK absentee votes still being counted thru 18th. NC will complete absentee count tomorrow by noon.

What a fucking mess. It’s barely graduated from crayon and glue stick level doodlings. Pull yourself together man.

I’m still waiting for the California surprise.

I know I shouldn’t feed the troll but this post is absolutely hilarious. Bravo.

I think it’ll be like Baldrick’s “turnip surprise” in Blackadder.

If I post a poorly formatted infographic in this forum on the subject of the undeniable sexual chemistry that exists between myself and Blake Lively, can I expect a sordid weekend anytime soon?

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The more fonts the better. Also, an imaginary scoring system is good.
Also “chinese whispers” is the only source I will accept.

Don’t scare the dude away, we need a new forte to keep things interesting around here.


The interesting thing I took out of that graphic (if it’s correct) was that the states don’t have to send electoral college votes if the result still has unresolved litigation on December 8. The states currently having litigation have Republican legislatures? and therefore even though they have been called for Biden, their electoral college votes wouldn’t get submitted?

I think I’m understanding that right. I also think it’s pretty much a given that anything constitutional that goes to the Supreme Court will end in Trumps favor.

When you always have fewer votes, you have to find alternative ways to win elections. That’s what the Republicans do.