Offensive Joke thread - an ex thread

ADMIN NOTICE : Here’s the obligatory warning statement. If you’re reading any post in this thread it is assumed that you have read and agreed to the following.

This is the OFFENSIVE JOKES thread, it is designed to corral humour which may (or in some cases definitely will) offend some or all people. Being able to laugh at horrifying things is a very human response, but not one that everyone shares equally, if something seems ‘over the line’ to you, don’t assume bad intentions, accept that you’re different and move on or stop reading the content of the thread.

Offensive humour is a matter of taste and sensibility, what one person finds hilarious another may be grossed out by or mortally offended by, and that’s OK, we’re all different and have different perspectives on the world and its reflected in what we find funny. There are only 3 rules;

1 Don’t assume negative intent.

2 Don’t expect anyone else to comply with what YOU believe is acceptable in terms of humour and they won’t expect you to laugh at what they find funny.

3 Jokes which are overtly cruel or abusive to a person or group are not allowed, nor is the promotion of violence towards individuals or groups, but be aware that making light of a tragedy is not considered cruel or abusive in the context of this thread. As Steve Allen said “Humour is tragedy plus time”

if you do find something completely unacceptable, report it like any other post and it will be reviewed and a decision made.

Couldn’t find the old thread so figured I’d start a new one

“With the two comebacks in the champions league semi finals, it wouldn’t surprise me if Madelaine McCann presented the trophy”

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The thread is off to a flying start.

Good luck getting comeback from McCann - you’d have to unbury her first

Ladbrokes are paying $1.70 that Nikki Lauda will survive the cremation



Someone needs to keep Arlos memory alive


The many characters of Eric Bana… Like that time he played a diabetic who died after being deported.

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Just got home from the World Blindfold Wanking Championships … no idea where I came.


I miss this thread

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My grandfather got to see the Titanic, and from the beginning he warned people not to get on board because he knew it was going to sink. But nobody listened to him, and he repeatedly told them with increasing panic and urgency in his voice.

Eventually he got kicked out of the cinema.


That’s a tough one, whenever you’re talking about events where so many people died. Personally, I hate it when people make jokes that make light of the Holocaust. It’s an extremely difficult topic for myself, as my grandfather perished at one of the concentration camps. The poor guy fell from his guard tower…


I did Nazi that coming.

I bought a 12 year old scotch.

His parents weren’t pleased.


Holocaust jokes aren’t funny
Anne frankly, they need to stop


So, I have waited a week to see if anyone objected to the concentration camp joke - told by Paulska (who has admitted his Polish family is antisemitic). I waited expecting people to object; after all a joke about the industrialised extermination of a people because of their ethnic/peoplehood identity, told from the perspective of the murderers, is not the same as a joke about the World Blindfold Wanking Championship or the Titanic where the joke is really on the teller.

So, I waited and waited. The result? Lots of likes for the original joke and then for the follow-ups just reinforcing that line.

Mmmm. How to understand this? Is this a thread where all jokes are jokes and there are no expectations as to limits? If so, can we expect to see - without anyone objecting - jokes about the extermination of Australia’s aboriginal peoples (maybe about well poisoning or raping of their women or quick repartee at the expense of the stolen generations)? How about jokes at the expense of gay men being assaulted and murdered by gangs of homophobes on Sydney ocean headlands during the 1980s? How about a nice joke about the Katryn Forest massacres - you know like a circle of Poles is a dope ring schtick but extended to Poland’s intelligentsia. The English and the Irish? Black Sunday is here and we should not let that go by without a witticism directed against innocents massacred where they stood peacefully protesting.
And how can anyone then criticise the RBB homophobic display directed at Arnie? I mean, some people find it funny so why can’t the rest of you take a joke?

Like, the title of the thread is in the title?


You miss my point completely. Offensive is one thing … I would argue this is another. Would you accept - would this website accept - jokes at the expense of innocent murdered gays - just because they are gay, at the expense of aboriginal peoples for what they have suffered?

I mean firstly, just pointing out that Poles got pretty fucked over when it comes to the Nazi occupation and Auschwitz, I mean we were considered subhuman. To insinuate that I made the joke because my family as anti-Semitic, is offensive just as much. 6 million Poles dies during the occupation, a fifth of our pre-war population. I mean I joke about it, but my family generally doesn’t give much thought to other nationalities, I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned them being anti-Semitic, in fact my general comments involve them hating every single other nationality including their own.

The thread title itself states offensive jokes. If you don’t want offensive jokes then I would suggest not coming into the thread? A joke is a joke based on context. If it’s made to entertain then it’s a joke, yes there can be extremely bad ones but it doesn’t mean that you need to enjoy all of them. The wanderers banner was made to insult and was something completely different. To answer your question on the other topics, if there are funny jokes then they should be allowed, “something like haha you suck dick so you’re shit, isn’t exactly a funny joke.” If there’s a joke against me or my nationality personally then i probably won’t enjoy it, but I wouldn’t get offended if other’s enjoy it…

In the same context as what you’re saying does that mean Sasha Baron Cohen shouldn’t be allowed to do his comedy, or Jimmy Carr, Or Jim Jeffries. There’s a huge number of comedians, many of them very left wing leaning, that have made careers and become famous off these styles of jokes. I mean Sasha was seeing a song in a pub about throwing Jews down wells.