To a game or just generally?
To a game or just generally?
I always forget. Its not like a bus where you rap on inside the bus or a train where theres gates.
Is that Popavic in a track suit on the sideline? Is he out?
He’s been injured.
I was not aware there was cricket on at the scg today. Parking woes…
Well, for next time, it works
I was considering going to both games, decided against it. Bad decision, Smith went ballistic with the bat and hit 120*
Even in Melbourne I’ve never tapped on. The moment I found out about that free CBD zone…
Crowd looks pretty ordinary on Tv
It is. Luckily there are still 20 minutes until kick off.
Probably still trying to park or get to the ground, having the Big Bash next door hasn’t helped.
How dare you give me unsolicited information about cricket. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer
Difficult to get on a light rail too. Plenty still working their way up
Why are they playing music during walk out now? Shithouse.
Especially Phil Collins?!?!?
Who the fuck is making all these shitty decisions
I assume that was the reason for the Cove starting late too?
Someone from The Cove leadership needs to have a sit down with stadium management & the club.
It was bad enough doing away with Bohemian Rhapsody but We Are Sydney is our song.
I’d like to know why these decisions were made and who made them.
HDM needed to control his area better there, should have claimed it the first time he got the chance.
Cmon guys. Stop being so down on the “entertainment product”. This is what is going to get people through the gates. An out of context, four decade old pop song blared over horrible stadium speakers. Thats what the punters want.
Beautifully worked that