Round 22 - City vs Sydney FC - 6/04/22

I have a free spare ticket for tonights game for anyone interested

I wonder if there are many supporters going down to Melbourne ?

Iā€™d better get my flares out of the cupboard then

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I canā€™t believe my eyes, this must be a mistake.

No Retre?

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Kosta is the new Paulo.

Presumably tested for a relatively inconsequential game?

Winning tonight doesnā€™t change much for us, ladder-wise.

No Burgess ā€¦ again. How is he not more important to our success than Kosta or Caceres?


At least Yaz is in. Amini our best chance of matching with them I feel

Burgess plays well, gets benched. Kosta plays badly ā€¦

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For his teacherā€™s pets, Bimbi (like most of us caught up in that mindset) thinks, I signed eg Kosta because I knew he would be good; if he plays badly, we need to give him time to come good; eventually that will happen (tonight?) and that will prove that I was correct all along.

Yeah thatā€™s true. Only really unhappy with Burgess on the bench and Kosta starting. The other selections seem quite sensible. Hopefully that can give us some balance and a chance to really have a go at City.

I really like the balance of a Yazbek/Amini central pairing. Also that bench is pornographic.

Maybe a Corica is saving him for the ACL?

I think Burgess could really do well thereā€¦

Robbie Thomson is an idiot.

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Donachie is not a midfielder

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Super annoying

Carving us up with ease

Least weā€™re not losing just yet

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