Sam Kerr: Racial Abuse or 'Tilly Sausage?

Though I assume it happens hundreds of times over a weekend in London. How many of those end up at the police station?

Very few because most pukers pay the cleaning fee rather than escalating.


Whilst the mental gymnastics about gender and race is all extremely fascinating I’d postulate that she’s just another self entitled fuckwit professional sports person who thinks that the rules don’t apply to them.

She just had to play the “mental health” card next to complete the sports person bingo card.


I would suggest that a big portion of this case is based around the fact that she’s a famous sports star. The cops would be using this to send a message that no one is too famous to be charged. Also, a big portion of this is that im sure this isn’t the first case of this type. It’s more the fact that it’s the first one involving a famous person…

I hope you never have to do any gymnastics when one of the women in your life is abducted, raped and killed by a police officer with a history of alleged sexual offences.

I’ll let that go through to the keeper.


If this happened to you then that’s terrible, but I hope you can see why there is so much wrong with this comment. It has effectively nothing to do with this case as much as you want it to.

Even though Kerr specifically references the murder of Sarah Everard on the night of her arrest?

Yes, a drunk, arrogant, petulant Kerr with a giant chip on her shoulder mentioned something irrelevant as an excuse for acting the way that she did. You in your right mind should know better. I will leave it there.


That’s a crucial piece of objectively testable evidence, so I reckon whichever way this falls (either the PC Lovell is lying about there being no record or he didn’t search hard enough, or Grace Forbes testimony about the call-logs is incorrect) will have a huge bearing on the case, as it goes to credibility of the rest of their account.

Whichever way the court case goes, which personally I think will be thrown out.

Surely Kerr has shown that she doesn’t have the maturity to be the Matilda’s captain again, for sure once she’s fit she should start, but I don’t see her as a leader.

Whether she’s captain or not, she’ll be the leader due to her personality and profile

I’m happy to agree to disagree on whether women, especially women of colour, have reasonable justification for mistrusting police, cab drivers or authority figures at all times. I for one don’t think it’s irrelevant in this circumstance, regardless of how she behaved while drunk. Her and her partner are alleged to have called emergency services and been hung up on, although obviously there could be more to that story, they definitely appear to have thought they did on the night itself.

If they were hung up on then a crucial bit of information would be at what point did it occur?

They could very well have been calling from out the front of the police station at which point the police were already on the scene.

Surely there’s footage from inside the taxi?

And gps… was he going where instructed and then veered off to the police station? This makes her story questionable at best

With no gps and he’s gone round the houses then you think they have complete justification to be concerned

I’ve had situations where you are belted and wake up, don’t recognise where I am and panic - only to realise I’m actually in Leichhardt and nearly home

There are so many questions

This part of it remains clear cut for me. Regardless of exactly what happened on the night the fact she was told she was under arrest (January 2023, remember), formally charged a year later (January 2024) but chose only to inform Chelsea and not the FFA is an enormous indictment on her character. Remember FFA only found out through media reports and she then hid behind some bullshit excuse about not having to inform them because she’s not an FFA employee (only receiving match payments in lieu of a wage, and not even receiving those whilst out due to injury).

Aside from not being able to handle her piss and at best acting fucking stupid when under the influence (not for the first time either, remember that time she posted her tits on an IG story?), in the stole cold sober light of day she deliberately swept it under the carpet leading up to the WWC and as such should go sit in the Davey Warner corner and never be considered for the armband again.


Please use his actual name, Davey Dumb Dumb.

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Kerr has taken the stand. She’s said she felt she was racially profiled by the police, which until now hasn’t been explicitly said, but since it came to light she brought up the officer’s race, has been my assumption.

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Without seeming TOO racist… there’s not been much talk about the taxi driver. I mean it’s a c*nt thing to say, but I’d say their taxi driver nationalities are going to be foreign rather that white UK? Interesting to see whether Kerr would bring him into it if he was a white taxi driver. Would add extra strength to her story.

This is an interesting part from the Guardian:

After they got out of the car, which had parked outside Twickenham police station, Kerr approached police which she said left her feeling “relieved, because I thought they would help us” and that Lovell, on first impression “wasn’t that bad”.

It just reads like, we saw him and he was ok, but the moment he didn’t agree with me, he was a racist.

There’s definitely discrepancies from the Police. They reportedly asked the driver if he had a recording device, which he said he didn’t, yet they never confirmed this. They also didn’t get call logs from emergency services, didn’t check speed cameras to corroborate the taxi driver’s story and then didn’t try to track his number plates. Granted I can’t see them going to that extent for what should have been a simple drunk and disorderly, but interesting nonetheless.