Should I encourage my young son to support Melbourne City FC? (Sydney supporter living in Melb -read the post & you'll understand)

Your childhood must have been fun.

I would nudge him to support city. Honestly anything is better than MV and their asshat fans.

Tell him you’ll adopt city as your #2 team if he adopts Sydney as his #2 team. You can share a bond that way. Bring him to Sydney away games in Melb (obviously not against City).

Eventually he might be swayed to come across when he gets older or if you guys ever moved back.


Something else to consider - what does the club stand for, and what does the core supporter group align with?

Realistically, your son may become involved in an active support group when he gets older. The Cove, hands down, has the best, self enforced principles of any supporter group in the nation. Consider what the MV active support are like, is that what you want your son associating with?

And if you look at City, well, I guess he would never be involved in any active support :wink:

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Even if he becomes a Victory fan, it’s better than if he ignored local footy all together and becomes a diehard EPL fan



If he starts supporting MV then strap him to a chair, pin his eyelids back Clockwork Orange style & show him Sydney FC clips for 5 days straight. Guranteed success. :sunglasses:

Doesn’t even need to be that long. A few repeats of clank should do the trick.

We’ve all been there

Not if they are clips from the Farina years

The only acceptable video to play from that era is our 5-0 thumping at Shittihad