The Techno Dystopia Thread

Seems crazily wide spread. Retail mobile through to government services!

She needs to bring out the handbag stand himself, Brad Hazzard, to provide updates.

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Bloody hell I think Optus has got an astroturfing campaign running. I’ve seen multiple online posts from “telecom industry worker” or “telecommunications expert” types that just read like marketing wanks have spewed all over the page.

Cool they just gave me 200mg of data for free. I don’t even come close to using the 100mg a month that they recently put my contract up to without telling me but whatevs

200mb? Really? Or 200gb? 200mb would barely be an app download these days.

Whatever the case, Optus have a lot of kissing and making up to do. Again.

Meg or Gigabyte? You’d rip through 200 meg pretty quick these days.

lol yeah 200 gig. Sorry. Although to be fair I don’t use much more 200 mg

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Even my mum would smash 200 mb between podcasts and her regular chats with google where she politely asks it questions.

Yeah I’m being a bit facetious, but I probably don’t use much more the. 1 or 2 gigs. I smash Spotify but that is data free on my plan for some reason

Yeah, Optus are fucked. I only just renewed my phone with them a few months ago. Honestly the outage didn’t really affect me that much, but as a company they’re going to take a massive hit. Tens of thousands of people are probably going to switch to other providers now.

Will chortle at the ones that go to Amaysim. Fuck those ads are annoying.

The CEO is hardly covering herself in glory.
Whenever she is asked a question it is like she has a telemarketer cheat sheet in front of her with 3 responses from which she must choose one as her reply.

  1. Thank the customers for their loyalty
  2. Reiterate the quality service that you provide and this is a very rare occurrence
  3. Praise Optus staff and technicians for the job they do/did.

When asked if SingTel had called for her resignation she ended an interview.

It’s an absolute trainwreck.

The CEO has handled this terribly. She seems awfully out of her depth. Not saying I would know how to handle this, but she’s handling it like Jen Barber in the IT Crowd would handle a situation.

She seems like she’s freaking out massively and she’s forcing herself to remain calm and stable.


According to the email I got, I need to add the 200gb on manually? Also, any news on if it expires or anything like that?

Great reference.

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Very strange email.

Looks like they haven’t figured out how yet, but I imagine it’ll be similar to one of the data giveaways they had recently where you got an extra 50GB per month for 3 months or something - simply enable it in the app.

They’re also doing free data every weekend for the rest of the year for prepaid users.

I’m assuming though that doesn’t apply to Amaysim users, like myself. We get most of the negatives of Optus, but not the compensation.

She’s an ex Football Australia board member from the Stephen Lowy era.

This is basically completely useless as Amaysim rolls over unused data and has already provided multiple data upgrades in the past, so I already have a level of data available that no single human could possibly use up. What WOULD have been beneficial would be a reduction in my payments for this 28 day period (Of which there are 13 in a year, not 12).