The TV Show Thread

And Oz

The Pitt

The ER “homage” called The Pitt is really very good indeed, and I don’t usually like medical dramas.

It’s sort of a 24/ER hybrid.

It’s on Binge

Some other ‘stocking stuffer’ TV shows while there isn’t much else to watch -


Hard to talk too much about this one, essentially it’s a political thriller involving a guy who guards the President. On the fence about it a few episodes in. On Disney Plus.

High Potential

This one is more of a straightforward network crime show with the trope of unorthodox person is actually great at solving murder cases. In this show the cleaner happens to be a high IQ lady akin to Good Will Hunting who can work out any case. Funny and interesting enough to pass some time.

Also on Disney Plus.

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Was trying to figure out something to watch last night, it’s absolutely amazing just how many movies and series are based on the:

Retired or current marine put in a horrible situation, his enemies underestimate him, he kills everyone and saves the day.

I mean I know there was a lot, but geez

While it wasn’t top grade I very much enjoyed Night Agent season 1, hope the second season stands up

I just finished season 1, it’s a bit clunky compared to more modern shows, but in terms of storylines and acting it’s still very good.

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Seems to follow the same formula going off a couple episodes. Not sure I’ll bother finishing it.

We got through all three this weekend
definitely on the fence, could really go either way
seems a bit soapy.

It the Big Mac version of better spy shows like Slow Horses

Probably why I consumed it so fast
 no nutritional value, but somehow more-ish

I really liked the first season of the Night Agent but the second was pretty meh. Peter and Rose really started to annoy me

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Yes, this civvie with no training whatsoever can join your super duper top secret mission, no problem!