All we have to do is show the same defensive solidity we did in the away leg and we’re looking lovely here. Hopefully we can continue to show the consistency we’ve shown the last few games but there’s still a voice in the back of my head saying we’ll find a way to stuff this up.
Jeonbuk play against Gangwon today and it’s available on Optus if anyone wants to watch.
My pessimism with how we go in knockouts games makes me feel like theyre getting a 90+4 triple deflected goal to win 3-0. We;ll still win the shot count 23-5.
Might email the club and ask. $50 on a Thursday night to sit behind the goal is daylight robbery given the demand just isn’t there, combined with ruining the Sunday schedule (seriously, 7pm on a fucking Sunday?). I demand satisfaction!
It was very cheap tickets for same seat members - though that might have expired. Was nearly cheaper to get a silver family (2 adults 2 kids) than it was to buy a single ticket to go to the game at Campbelltown.