Aus Cup R32 - Sydney FC vs CCM - 13/8/23

Bloody hell. What a back line.

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Whilst Paull starts for them…

JGR at CB? Just play Matthews farken.

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I’ve moved my car to the Aldi across the street. Safer I reckon.

This feels like one of the biggest games we’ve hosted here in a long time, maybe since the FFA cup game with Usain Bolt. Possible exception of the Nux on Anzac day.

Have Adamson and Matthews signed pro deals yet? I’d be very much in favour of them being signed up, both are top players.

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Pretty sure someone’s yanked the boom gate off in the Woolies carpark again, so should be fine in there too. Really any street park west of Corrimal Street will be fine.

Views for day. Top of the grandstand. Bring in Wollongong already farken. I want my Gong away day with the added bogan and junkie bonuses.

What happened to @SydGooner she’d have been killing this. Or did she get bullied off the forums?


Turf is looking shithouse though. Rugby League field markings aise it looks like someones had a bit of drunken fun with the spray can on MS Paint using light and dark green.

The smelters at Port Kembla putting on a better pre-game show than the APL ever could.


10Play is down. Seems to always happen whenever people tune into cup games…



Working for me though I was a bit confused that the FFA Cup was not last in the live TV row.

Yeah my TV app is down but works on the laptop which I hooked up to the TV with a cable.

The pitch looks like garbage

Ahhh makes me nostalgic for BHP 's delightful smoke shows in Newcastle back in the day.

Just put those on and my wife was saying the people on the pitch look wrong!

Working perfectly on my android tv thingo

I like the way Adamson moves with the ball, classic rangey long legged strides. No idea if he’s any good but the aesthetics are there.


Interesting to see Adamson get the start over De Jesus, but I suppose Adamson has been in the NPL team for a bit longer. De Jesus does look quite talented.

Oh we have a game. I guess this will be less stressful than last night