Australian National Team Thread - #ArnieOut!

He was not called up.

Portugal have one against Nigeria tomorrow morning.

I wouldn’t mind if we had a friendly against even a local Qatari club side. At worst just to get some minutes in the legs and a somewhat “acclimatization/familiarization session”

Poland beat Chile 1-0 as well

Chile or Chilly?

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are you sure?


My lazy arse bought tickets 9 days after they went on sale so ended up 2 rows from the very back of the stadium near halfway. It’s a fucking long way up there. Still a magnificent day & yes I cried like a little girl.

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we had our year 12 formal. 100+ guys crowding around the 2-3 internet phones in the year while our dates were pissed off…


Some memories of that night:

  • The entire train carriage singing on the way to the ground (very rare for me to see at that point in time)

  • Watching a bunch of 50-100 Uruguayan fans chanting and dancing outside the stadium before kick-off, then watching hundreds, if not a thousand or so Socceroos fans just converge on them like flies on shit

  • The whole crowd booing when a bunch of players with dark blue training jackets came out to warm up. The booing and derogatory chants against Uruguay continued for a few minutes until we looked at the screen and one of them had a Qantas sign on it, so everyone started cheering

  • A few random Uruguayan fans getting stuck in the home end for some reason

  • Not hearing a damn thing except the booing during the Uruguayan national anthem. If you weren’t there, its hard to describe how fucking loud the booing was. Insane!

  • After Bresciano scored, I stacked over the top of some poor sod about three rows down from me

  • Hugging randoms after the penalty went in

I don’t see a sporting event topping that unless we win the World Cup or something, women’s or men’s.


A bloke I’d worked with for 5 minutes bought me a ticket because he went to the Solomons (?) game before it and qualified for pre-purchase. 6 months later we went to Germany together and 17 years later he’s my best mate (just leave the WS Judas stuff out of it).


Forever thankful for Jimmy for sorting out however many tickets behind the goal.


I was 10 years old, so had to settle for watching at home. My dad had already started me on Manchester United highlights and I was playing football, but that night everything changed for me. I fell in love with the game.

It was a lot of tickets. He maxed 3 of his cards and his brother’s if I remember correctly.

When ever I see all those yellow flags behind the goals I’m reminded of the father and son that turned up who we got to put the poles on them all. It was like 200 flags I think?

The JW banner is probably my favourite banner that I painted. And I don’t even like JW!


They’ve also managed to sneak in 4000lbs of meat! And probably no seasoning.


It’s always good to play unfamiliar teams but considering the openness of the squad bar a couple of first choice players I imagine our training 11 on 11’s are pretty competitive

I guess they’re making sure there’s no requirements for toilet breaks mid game?

Asado tends to back you up for days anyway. They should be grand.

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For me Nov 16 was at Husky pub on my schoolies camping trip. Half the place in tears, half the place no idea what was going on beyond it being in green and gold. I bet a smug Italian-Australian kid $50 we’d win the WC and he said Italy. I never paid up. Still see him around the gong occasionally

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I had the good fortune to be a sideline photographer for the game. Once in a lifetime experience.


Lol. That time you got in trouble for celebrating at an SFC game!