Australian National Team Thread - #ArnieOut!

Behind the goal was magic that night. I just remember everyone in the train to central being so stunned to have finally broken the hoodoo/hoarse from all the screaming all game it was almost eerie silence. The booing was incredible. After the bitter bitter disappointment of Iran ,( Peter Hoare can just fuck off) where I def cried, and the previous Uruguay and Argentina playoffs ( I have Israel and Scotland as vague memories) it just was something that I’ll never feel anywhere close to ever again in my life.



Redmayne is the panto villain we didn’t know we needed!


The fledgling Peruvian movie industry could well be missing out if they’re not trying to get Redders over there!

Thought I saw that was fake, but if not I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sent it to wear by Peruvian fans

That’s even better if it’s fake!

Boyle officially out, Tilio in.

Such a big out for us.

Interesting to see an article on one of our players from outside the Australian media.
He certainly has an infectious confidence Awer. maybe we won’t get arse blasted.


Great article. Couple of choice quotes there:

“I’ve got that title now of ‘oh, refugee kid’. It’s more for the headlines, for people to try to feel sorry for me, but they never try to understand who I am,” Mabil explains. “Not many would say: ‘he came from Australia to now play in La Liga.’ They’ll say ‘from refugee to …’ I lived in the refugee camp. I was born there, I was there until 10 when I moved to Australia. And I lived in Australia 10 years, so it’s half-half. When you pick just one side for a headline or to make people feel bad, you’re forgetting my other half. And I want to be there for everybody.

"…Come to Europe and South Americans are regarded as Gods because football’s their sport. There are a lot of Australians who are better than South Americans or Europeans but just get judged differently. It’s like me coming here: ‘Australian?!’ Get on the field and they’re like: ‘oh, you don’t play like an Australian.’ And I ask: ‘how should an Australian play?’ They think an Australian doesn’t dribble, do skills, play football. When you start expressing your football, they’re like ‘oh shit’.


Are they making kids smaterer nowadays?

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Judging by my nieces - yes. Those kids are fucking sharp.

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Just don’t ask them to write, spell or do math without a calculator.


Or hold a conversation because they’d rather play on an iPad.


Is it just me or did it suddenly get quite Boomer-ish in here?


Going by some of the new hires we’ve interviewed, no, no they’re not


My in laws were having a fully serious conversation about how bringing back cursive would solve a heap of problems with the youth now.

I asked how, they didn’t have an answer

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Don’t we call it “running writing” in Australia? Cursive just makes me think of Americans.


I love doing this to my grandparents when they come out with some back water, racist, out-of-touch belief.

They think I hate them.