Clothes, cars, hairstyles... The chronophoto thread

I got a score of 2620 on today’s Chronophoto: 25/09/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 513
Round 4: 396
Round 5: 10

I think one or two of todays may be rpeats.

I got a score of 4257 on today’s Chronophoto: 25/09/2024
Round 1: 708
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 924

Good score considering no aces.

I don’t recall seeing any of today’s before but then I’ve got a mind like a sieve.

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I got a score of 2608 on today’s Chronophoto: 9/25/2024
Round 1: 53
Round 2: 708
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 290
Round 5: 708

At least better than yesterday but FFS!!

I got a score of 1982 on today’s Chronophoto: 25/09/2024
Round 1: 342
Round 2: 708
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 396
Round 5: 83

I got a score of 3170 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/9/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 196
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 640

Terrible. How they hell do you get punks in that year?

I got a score of 2536 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/09/2024
Round 1: 342
Round 2: 640
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 0​:x:

I got a score of 3182 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/9/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 4: 53
Round 5: 575

I got a score of 2190 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/09/2024
Round 1: 342
Round 2: 453
Round 3: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 4: 342
Round 5: 53

Yeah I think I got caught out exactly how you did. I think they are probably E European, as in just after the wall came down.

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I got a score of 3063 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/09/2024
Round 1: 849
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 513
Round 5: 0​:x:

I got a score of 830 on today’s Chronophoto: 9/26/2024
Round 1: 0​:x:
Round 2: 0​:x:
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 53
Round 5: 0​:x:

That was spectacularly bad… Although Hilly put me off completely with his comment for the first one


I got a score of 1258 on today’s Chronophoto: 26/09/2024
Round 1: 575
Round 2: 513
Round 3: 117
Round 4: 53
Round 5: 0​:x:

I did mine before reading anything here, still shit.

Tough one today

I got a score of 2823 on today’s Chronophoto: 27/9/2024
Round 1: 0​:x:
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 342
Round 5: 924

I got a score of 2553 on today’s Chronophoto: 27/09/2024
Round 1: 453
Round 2: 640
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 453
Round 5: 83

I cried

I got a score of 1965 on today’s Chronophoto: 27/09/2024
Round 1: 117
Round 2: 242
Round 3: 117
Round 4: 640
Round 5: 849

I got a score of 3486 on today’s Chronophoto: 27/09/2024
Round 1: 708
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 513
Round 5: 708

I put 1993 for the 1997 one and 1997 for the 1993 one.

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I got a score of 2771 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/09/2024
Round 1: 575
Round 2: 117
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 849
Round 5: 777

Nice and respectable

Not good enough, there should be some good scores today.

I got a score of 2958 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/9/2024
Round 1: 575
Round 2: 290
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 640
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

I find it depressing that I aced the two pics I aced. I guess we should be happy Australia appeared?

I got a score of 3854 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/09/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 290
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

I got a score of 4549 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/09/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark: Chronophoto - Daily

I was only off by a couple of years