Clothes, cars, hairstyles... The chronophoto thread

I got a score of 4333 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/09/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 708
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

I got a score of 3652 on today’s Chronophoto: 28/09/2024
Round 1: 513
Round 2: 575
Round 3: 924
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 640

Much better than previous few.

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I got a score of 2654 on today’s Chronophoto: 29/9/2024
Round 1: 575
Round 2: 155
Round 3: 0​:x:
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 1000​:white_check_mark:

I got a score of 2530 on today’s Chronophoto: 29/09/2024
Round 1: 849
Round 2: 0​:x:
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 196
Round 5: 777

I got a score of 2774 on today’s Chronophoto: 29/09/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 28
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 196

I got a score of 2667 on today’s Chronophoto: 29/9/2024
Round 1: 924
Round 2: 0​:x:
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 5: 290

I got a score of 3099 on today’s Chronophoto: 29/09/2024
Round 1: 849
Round 2: 53
Round 3: 640
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 849

Crashed badly.

I got a score of 1939 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/9/2024
Round 1: 0​:x:
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 196
Round 4: 453
Round 5: 513

I got a score of 3145 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/09/2024
Round 1: 28
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 777
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 708

I got a score of 3160 on today’s Chronophoto: 9/30/2024
Round 1: 513
Round 2: 777
Round 3: 453
Round 4: 777
Round 5: 640

Decent enough showing. Got the theatre wrong in that second one, thought it was Operation Barbarossa but looks to be the invasion of Poland

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I got a score of 2453 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/9/2024
Round 1: 0​:x:
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 513
Round 4: 849
Round 5: 242

Bit of a mixed bag

For some reason I find the old black and white war photos easier than the more recent colours photos

I got a score of 3775 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/09/2024
Round 1: 513
Round 2: 849
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 640
Round 5: 924

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It doesn’t quite look like war fatigue has set in yet with those soldiers. I should definitely have picked a little earlier.

The thing is, until Barbarossa, there wasn’t that much world wide fighting by soldiers. There were smaller theatres in Greece and Africa hadn’t fully ramped up yet in those early stages. The general German solider was more likely to be involved in occupation duties than actual fighting. There was definitely more work the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine but there wasn’t too much else.
I thought it was Barbarossa because they had way more vehicles in that one. The war in Poland, and in fact most of the Germany logistic train, was still very much horse drawn carts.

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I think it’s because back in the day, you had very large leaps in technology as well as clothing. The war ones can generally be told apart based on helmets, weapons etc. the peace ones, you can make a rough guess based on clothes, horse drawn carts and a whole bunch of other stuff. The newer ones, I mean some of the ones from the 1980’s I literally still see those cars driving around now. Clothing wise, I feel there was more of a gradual chance between the 1960’s and 2000’s rather than the earlier war periods.

We also generally blur the parts of our minds into one big conglomerate where we’ll forget that something happened over 20-30 years ago, thinking it was only a few years ago. I also think most of us that did history in high school would have focused on the war years, rather than the 1960s onwards, which probably helps that out as well


I got a score of 3008 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/09/2024
Round 1: 196
Round 2: 1000​:white_check_mark:
Round 3: 708
Round 4: 708
Round 5: 396

I got a score of 3643 on today’s Chronophoto: 30/09/2024
Round 1: 640
Round 2: 924
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 453
Round 5: 777

A good bounce back from last few.


The war ones are annoying when there is nothing to really tell the exact year. Like you know it’s going to be between a certain period, but you really are just guessing, unlike a lot of the other ones where there is a bit more information as to what exact year it could be.

Like this one here, it really could be anything from 1939-1945. I guess maybe the uniforms, if you know, could denote roughly what year, but it’s a very specific detail to know.

This one was a hard one

I got a score of 1962 on today’s Chronophoto: 01/10/2024
Round 1: 849
Round 2: 342
Round 3: 575
Round 4: 196
Round 5: 0​:x: