Everything is on fire - the US politics thread

His pet goose?

Vance doubling down now on the pet claims. It’s fucking amazing. He’s now given a police report to the Wall Street Journal of a case where a pet disappeared and was reported to police in Springfield Ohio. 1 phone call later, turns out the cat popped back up, it was in the lady’s basement…



Like that TV commercial with Gary the guinea pig, JD just doing his bit to help locate.

After saying it was all made up in the first place.

Donald Trump has done a lot of fucking stupid things, but picking Vance is a fucking whopper. He gives nothing to the ticket that it didn’t already have. He’s like Trump, but without the modern social values, message discipline or common touch.


Agreed with the Vance selection. He should have went female and picked a Sarah Palin type and he would have romped it in. I suppose when you are so misogynistic, amongst other things, it doesn’t allow for this.

Vance has the religious element though? Trump’s obviously not religious so Vance gives him the evangelical vote.

Vance is so bad he even hates himself.

Just saw the guy running for the GOP ticket for governor of North Carolina has been outed after his forum activity was exposed on a “naughty” forum. He’s the usual anti-trans nut job, but publicly posted that he loves the p*rn. He also supports slavery and would love to have a few slaves himself. The kicker? He’s black…

They sure do seem to have a lot of nutters running for office over there. I mean I guess we do as well but they take it to a whole new level

Not sure it’s politics exactly… but more good guys with guns would definitely have stopped a cop from killing a judge inside his chambers

He was going to - then that person told the world they shot a dog

Nope that was Pence - Vance may be more religious than Trump, but that’s not his strong spot really - he offers nothing that Trump doesn’t already have really

The evangelicals were gonna vote for Trump anyway. Prior to 2016 he needed Pence to polish up the halo, but after appointing 3 pro-life justices who killed off Roe v Wade, he’s got them locked up.

I think there’s some apprehension on the evangelical front though. He definitely made the mistake of printing a bible, which didn’t go down too well in religious circles. He’s then spent a bit of time avoiding answering any questions on abortion and then came out as being not religious. Vance has been very vocal with the fact that Trump will ban abortion and a few other things. Trump having Vance allows them to say stuff like that and allows Trump to pull back. Clouds the air a fair bit.

Just listened to the Dollop’s two parter on JD. Be afraid.

If they get elected, the first thing that will happen is that Vance will start working the cabinet to 25th amendment the orange cunt and take over.

Vance is such a fucking sad little shitehawk, how the fuck did he ever get in such a position? He’s a charmless, pretty thick, sociopath with zero public speaking skills and no redeeming qualities. He seems to have parlayed the American fetishisation of military service into a political career, not bad for someone who’d never make it past assistant shift manager at McDonalds in the corporate world.

Vance is owned by Thiel. Supposedly Trump Jnr convinced the orange one to choose him - so I’d assume Thiel has hooks in there too.

If Trump gets elected, Vance will effectively be president. Trump doesn’t look long for this world (I’d put him at a 50-50 of getting through the term), and even if he does survive, given his only interests are playing golf and not being in jail, he will be happy to have achieved the 2nd (by being elected), and allowed to pursue the first (by doing fuck all but being on the course all day, and letting the lunatics run the country).

It’s gonna be nasty.