FFA Cup R16 - Sydney FC vs Macarthur - 8/12/21

If it wasn’t Sydney playing, I would have gone and started the washing up by now…

No one gives a fuck about midweek footy. Post next expansion we need proper home and away fixtures, with dedicated weekends for this NSL-pacifying malarkey.


The problem is by the time the A League teams come in it’s just the same old opponents anyway. The odd game against SU58 or Olympic etc is fun buy apart from that a mid week game against Macarthur or Brisbane etc just isn’t going to excite the fans.

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I know a lot of people who view the Cup as a mickey mouse competition, and 'preseason cup.

The weather tonight wouldn’t have helped tonight for sure, especially the storm that rolled through at 5pm.

However there isn’t a lot of appetite for midweek football. A lot of families don’t go out because it’s a 'school night. We’ve seen midweek A-league figures only scratch in the low thousands. Given the cost of living in Sydney as well, and the fact memberships don’t cover FFA Cup entry doesn’t help either.

Early round A-League vs A-League in particular doesn’t rate.

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Horrifically uninspiring

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The worst is I’m only dozing, not napping.

It’s a pretty grim night to watch two dull teams who played a dull match at the same sub-standard stadium ten days ago. And if it ends up as an inevitable 0-0 and going to penalties, it is now going to finish at around 11 pm, at which point people can begin to make their way home.
Those at the ground are heroes.


This Brosque content is ace.

You know what else doesn’t rate? Repetitive turgid football, that’s what.
They should’ve just put the replay of the A League game from 2 weeks ago on and gave the players the night off because I can’t tell the difference between the 2 games.

Do we even have match analysts anymore or does Corica just not listen to them?


I just switched over to the City/Perth match. Amazing the difference a proper stadium with better lighting makes. Also both teams are going for it which helps

How can a professional footballer be that far off-side


Every half decent opportunity we’ve had tonight, we’ve been offside on.

At least these are clear and obvious…

VDS has been the standout player for me so far, as harsh as it sounds maybe Grant having 2 weeks off will be a blessing.


We’re not going to win anything with this CM pairing


Fucks sake. Offside again. Seriously lads, get it together.

At least Alfie is giving it a crack

How is dickhead rose getting away with not wearing any shin pads?

I don’t think it is Sydney in particular. I think you will find any game with Macarthur will be boring this season. They are aiming to win every game 1-0 or draw 0-0