FFA Cup R16 - Sydney FC vs Macarthur - 8/12/21

We are going to lose this on penalties and for once we don’t deserve it

Ante firing up.

Ante being a sad fuck

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Why the fuck was the game stopped


Hope there’s no young kids still streaming.

Ante has a bit of a potty mouth. Caceras should have just walked over and slapped him

Has Hof touched the ball yet or nah?

There will be a day in 10 billion years time, when our dying sun, after using its remaining fuel, will engulf the Earth, turning it into a cinder.

And these two teams would still be fucking about ineffectually, in a goalless game, boring us all to tears.


Making us watch another half hour of this amounts to cruel and unusual punishment, surely.


I want to switch off, but there’s a morbid curiosity in subjecting my eyes to more.

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I’d pay good money to be capo so that I don’t have to watch the rest of this.

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Can P+ add a feature where the audience can vote to to jump straight to penalties.


One of the reasons I didn’t go to this is honest to God the threat of extra time vs these feckers.

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Please please please let me get what I want*

  • to go to bed

I didn’t think my day could get worse after the cricket - and then I subjected myself to this and there is another half hour to watch

Corica shouldn’t be blasting the ref for the offside but he should be blasting the ref for stopping play because of an injured player 60 metres behind play.

Fuck this.

Im going to bed.

Someone tell me if something happens.

Is Corica aware his jacket is ripped in half?

I’m sure this means the most incredible 30 minutes of football ever played are now ahead of us.

We thank you for your sacrifice.


Lol bunch of salty fuckers in here!