I simply inform the driver to have a good night and I’ll be reporting his cab license plate through to the cab company, and the service NSW cab complaints line.
They usually back pedal so fucking hard, but then I usually try the next cab in the line.
The Taxi industry in NSW and Australia has gotten away with too much. Honestly the drivers and generally awful. So many cabs moonlighting as Uber drivers now too, bringing their bad practices over. I’m not afraid to give poor reviews either.
This is far too civil. The last time a cabbie did that to me, the window query first, he then said “ahh nah, I’m just about to change shift”. So then I said something along the lines of “Well then why the fuck did you even pull over mate? This is why we all catch Uber’s now”. He commenced some form of retort which I was not interested in hearing, so I interrupted him by hocking up something from deep in the back of the throat… obviously thought I was going to gob at him through the window cos he STFU and sped off at record speed while winding it back up.
I’ll note this was an opportune flag down right outside a train station. Wouldn’t piss on a taxi otherwise. Had tapped and ordered the Uber before even completing the turn of the head and depositing said loogie in the gutter. It arrived within about 4 mins.
Yeah, I’m not preaching but despite all the hate the taxi industry gets seems like people haven’t voted with their wallets. Been 12 years since Uber launched here.
Convenience - when you are in the city it is often easier to jump in one that is right there rather than waiting for the uber or working out where the uber is going to arrive etc
Id still rather not use a cab even if they were infront of me. Just have zero trust at this stage that they’re actually going to do the right thing. I’ve had too many dealings with dodgy cabs with zero accountability. At least with uber, there’s a lot of accountability on their end. Plus the fact that they have an easy to use app, I don’t have to worry about paying and the majority of drivers simply aren’t arseholes
Got pissed on by 1000’s of Cicadas today. Said to be sugary. Didn’t stick my tongue out.
“A study of the urination flow rates of animals across the world. Cicadas were clearly king, peeing two to three times stronger and faster than elephants and humans.”
I think it’s the shit loads of compensation the industry gets from the Government that has kept them alive.
I don’t understand how when it is your job to give people a ride you go all Cartmanland and don’t let anyone in. Do they just drive around all shift looking for the $150+ fare?
Gear lubrication. Have dozens and dozens of the cicada shells around my house at the moment, and almost none of the bastards with their deafening noise. My 3yo thinks its fantastic and I touch wood dont get a migraine. They’ve been out a couple weeks already so hoping i’m in the clear
In situations like this & they allow you to open the door whilst asking the question & then they knock you back just leave the door wide open & walk away. Watching them curse as they have to get out of the car to close the door is extremely satisfying.
had to buy a new icetray from electrolux. Went onto their website and just to buy, you need to make a full account with them that has to verified. The phone based site is shit and takes 30 minutes to get the verification email that isn’t compatible with the gmail websearch app. Waste of fucking time
After a quick search i found out shells make good fertiliser. Also found out in hot temperatures Cicadas drink/eat a lot more and thus urinate all the excess they don’t use at high speeds, almost like a sprinkler. Makes sense with the recent hot weather.
Just got stung €40 for a €15 cab ride in Madrid. Thieving bastard. I took his licence number, which the hotel manager tried to chase up for me but it appears he doesn’t exist anyway.
People at airports walking three or four abreast at a pace a snail would say is slow… fuck I know you’re going on holiday but it doesn’t mean we all are
Fucking amblers, not just at airports but in malls, on the pavement, anywhere really, their speed is in inverse proportion to the number of them walking in parallel.
It’s just anyone that doesn’t have any understanding of spatial awareness. Walk slowly if you must, but do it in a way that allows others to go past. It’s the same as people that don’t stick to the left when running or those that try and line up for normal boarding on a plane, right in front of priority boarding.
An ongoing gear grind for me is the number of organisations and businesses who now send you emails or messages telling you that a new message for you has been posted on their website or portal, and you then have to login to their fucking shite website to see information that could easily have been delivered in the FUCKING EMAIL YOU SENT ME.
Done by wanky social media types in order to be able to boast about increased ‘engagement’ and higher traffic. cunts.