First gear lubrication on the new forum

I like it!


Do we need a Multi Function Polis (MFP)?


They are actually doing the business case for HSR between Sydney and Newcastle as we speak…

Also Barnaby wanted the transmission lines to go on the other side of a hill so he couldn’t see them for the New England renewable energy zone. No dice. His neighbours also agreed to have part of a wind farm on their property (get paid like 12k per year per turbine to have them there) - so he will have his view ruined regardless. Stupid cunt.

Hopefully HSR goes through his living room.


Of course! But first we have to spend ten years talking about it, then pick a really silly spot for it and then just build more low density housing on the Nepean/Hawkesbury flood plain instead.

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This is only has to be true if management is shit.

I ran a high-performing team for two years averaging less than a day a week in the office, and that mostly to go for lunch together rather than work in the same physical space. I now work in a team that mandates two days in the office and is far less functional.

The focus needs to be on humans and outcomes rather than meaningless procedures.


So this.

I’m in a new industry for me. If I wasn’t at work I couldn’t have the conversations with the tradies that teach me about what they need.

If the tradies didn’t go to work it would be an absolute shit show.

I feel like tradies working from home may not be the best idea…

I mean a brickie could work from home definitely, but i feel like thered be some logistical issues


Depends on the industry obviously, but there is also generational issues, cultural attitudes, physical and psychological safety factors…

In public services, at both manager and employee level youll have more people who tend to fill space, its hard to imagine being able to apply consistently good support for productive WFH employees. Not too mention weaker accountability for performance. WFH priveleges are fantastic for some roles and some personality types, but counter productive for others. I utterly depend on it myself (90% wfh) others in the same company in similar roles but supporting different teams, work nearly 90% in office

Things are already falling part with the transfer of knowledge. TA’s and apprentices are already not getting broad exposure to things. And it’s obviously a facetious example on my part to use tradies.

The amount of informal knowledge transfer that exists in the workplace that disappears in WFH is pretty substantial. I could do 95% of my job from home. But I’d never do any CI.

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I know, i just think itd be a funny concept, a plumber plumbing someones house from their house

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There’s a difference with tradie work though.
I don’t care if my brickie is on site from 9-5 to prove that he is working.
I care that the job gets done by a certain date that we agree on.

The same logic should apply for white collar lemmings. If you need to spy on your employees you have a terrible culture to begin with, which is a much larger issue.


Oh I agree, I hate that whole bullshit.

Last job we had a clerk, she went on maternity leave and eventually came back on two days a week.

Which two days do you ask? Dunno.

What time on those two days do you ask? Dunno.

Did she attempt to train the person filling in for her? Oh fuck no.

Did she randomly send emails at 11pm? Si si.

Did she hold up shit for days because of this? Yep.

Did the manager do anything about it? Fuck know, she was one of the two people he listened to in the team.

They do their best work from the pub anyway, on the brickies laptop.

Similar to an issue I’m having with my local council at the moment. Our property is leasehold so we need permission to do some building work from the council who are the freeholders. The leasehold department at the council is 1 woman who works every Tuesday and every second Thursday. She looks after 8000 properties.

Impossible to get any information from her within 2 weeks and then when she does respond, she doesn’t answer the question properly, so I need to clarify and wait another 2 weeks for a response.

That’s a feature, not a flaw.

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Catching a neighbour in the act of dumping into my garbage bin. Council are going to love this.