General Australian Football Thread

I still think it’s crazy high for 6.5% of high income houses to have someone playing football… higher than any team sport …

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That’s a pretty fundamental security breach right there.


And potentially pretty broad depending on what “along with customers’ ticket purchase information” contains. That could be a hell of a lot of people.

And it sounds like it is their own mistake, they weren’t attacked at all. Football Australia will always find a way to shoot themselves in the foot

Fixed :frowning:

Football Australia fixed the issue after the team informed the organization about it. Cybernews has reached out to the organization, but we did not receive an official statement before publishing.

According to the team, the exposed data includes:

** Personal identifiable information of players**
** Ticket purchase information**
** Internal infrastructure details**
** Source code of the digital infrastructure**
** Scripts of the digital infrastructure**

“While we cannot confirm the total number of the affected individuals, as it would require downloading the entire dataset, contradicting our responsible disclosure policies, we estimate that every customer or fan of Australian football was affected,” researchers claim.


Class action in 3, 2, 1 …

Hopefully they have good logging to see if any of that was accessed. From my reading, We don’t know if there was a breach, just there was the potential for one?


Fuck that doesnt sound good. Good luck to the guy.


Possibly explains the purpose of Zadkovich randomly joining the club.

Brisbane just can’t catch a break at the moment. The club’s cursed currently. Zakovich will be the sixth manager in under a year.

Warren Moon - Sacked, Feb 2023
Nick Green (caretaker), May 2023
Ross Aloisi (left), December 2023
Luciano Trani (caretaker) - Sacked, December 2023
Ben Cah (medical - indefinite) Feb 2024.
Reuben Zadkovich - ???

Yeah whatever it is, that’s not going to be good news. Fingers crossed he and his loved ones are okay.

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Been a weekend for some Peak A-League moments.

Sydney’s womens team bus driver getting lost…Wellington kit man having to do a 60km round mad-dash to get another set of kits, and this just is the icing on the cake…


Probably throw in Brisbane’s NPL side getting done 12-1 by Gold Coast Knights in a trial game earlier in the week into that mix.

Bozza’s in hospital

Mark Bosnich, former Socceroos and Manchester United goalkeeper, rushed to hospital after heart scare | — Australia’s leading news site

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Geez hope it recovers quickly. He is pretty young which is scary

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Still on the rowdy powder then?

I saw Boz not long ago at Wooliew… Had a stacked trolley and a big grin. Seemed so weird to see him doing something so mundane.

He’s got that cocaine heart like Warney.