General Australian Football Thread

im assuming the logic is that they need to get more politicians onboard. Soccer doesn’t get close to the government support that the other codes do and i’d say they’re trying to get that happening now

But why pick such a fucking raging arsehole?

Conroy worked with and remains close to many of the current senior peeps in the Federal Government, and the better ones have better jobs than Chair of the APL.

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Yeah, its maybe the one thing the APL looked at. Like it or not, Conroy has the kind of connections that could get the sport more funding. Doesn’t mean I have to like it. His results are going to ultimately show how much of a success he is, though I haven’t been that enthused with what I’ve seen and heard from him so far.

What’s happening with Canberra United? Would have assumed whoever will own the upcoming men’s side will absorb them into the new club. The men’s team apparently wasn’t gonna be Canberra Utd anyway, might as well just take in the women’s team with some history.

Last time I heard, Aston Villa were thinking of partially funding it, but that was about a month ago, and have heard nothing more since then. Its a bit concerning.

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If that’s what he’s supposed to do, why is he doing such a shite job of it?


Anyone know the code for 20% Newy away tickets?

There’s been a looming threat of doom and gloom around the A-League for a while now, and it feels like in the last couple of weeks that it’s ramped up to an even doomier and gloomier level. To the point where the A-League could actually fold. Maybe it’s just me reading into things, and stupidly reading comments on facebook and Reddit, but with the recent news that the Jets may now not even survive past this season, and with a mens Canberra team looking like it’s on the precipice of falling through again it just feels like we’re heading down towards a path of no return - if we’re already not on it.

With the APL management throwing away cash hand over fist, and rumors that P+/10 are wanting to pull out at seasons end, clubs not making money (not that they really ever do) and talk that the league is all but broke, just how a precarious situation is the A-League actually in? Is the death knell actually real?

Could we see a situation where the FA steps in to rescue the league? Or have the bridges been burned too badly for that to happen again? Has the announcement of the Auckland expansion come at a really bad time and they may not reach the tennure that the New Zealand Knights, Gold Coast United and North Queensland have?

If the league does fold, what happens to our club? I don’t remember the bad days of the NSL, as I never really followed it. Would we drop into the NPL full-time, never mind the youth lads, and become a semi-professional club where our most exciting away day is Wollongong?

Is the health of the competition, the A-League and the state of Australian football in as bad a state as what’s rumoured?

The FA will step in, they’re near useless without a local league to develop talent for.

In short, No.

It’s no worse than it has been for years. Hyperbole gets clicks and so many loud voices revel in claiming the sky is falling in.

Are there issues, absolutely. Are they terminal, I don’t believe so.

The usual suspects are in the shit as usual. the loss of one ALW team would not be deadly for that league, it’s on the rise. There’s a new team onboarding in Auckland with a deep pocketed owner. Canberra isn’t due till next year so we’re talking about, in the worst case, Canberra sitting out 1 season.


Australian football has always been full to the brim of Chicken Littles… each one stepping over each in the rush to declare that the sky is falling and the end is near. My theory is that these Chicken Littles are divided into the following:

  1. Those who declared 3 years tops (or was it 5) at the announcement of the A-League - they are still hanging in there for the gleeful demise of the competition so they can say “told you so”

  2. Eurosnobs who would take delight in the demise of the A-League so they also can do the whole ‘told you so’ - but their schtick is that they want to poop in peoples cereal and suck the life out of the local game as it doesn’t adhere to their, often comical, notions of what ‘real football’ is

These people are just amplified on social media where they feed each others negativity. It seems like many ‘popular voices’ out there have an axe to grind in one way or another against someone in Australian football.

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The league has been death ridden for at least 15 years, so whatevs to the people who are still death riding it now.

Local investment isn’t going to grow the league, because I think we’ll be struggling to get much more than we have now. The secret sauce, sadly, is probably getting big European clubs interested that want to set up or expand a global network and have interest in developing quality youngsters so they can make some money to help them with FFP. I don’t have to like it, but I don’t see where more big money is going to come from domestically.


If there are 10 voices shouting about the A-League’s imminent death, 8 of those are Robbie Slater

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It’s probably about time for someone to criticise vince rugari again isn’t it?

Then there’s category 3 in the Venn diagram, people who have a small skerrick of power in a semi-professional size club bureacracy but couldn’t keep it in a fully professional size club, so they white-ant the league to make themselves feel like big men.

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Ahh the Daily Telegraph

So, South Melbourne?

There’s another category: Clive Palmer

What are the “ethnic rivalries” in league?
And for that matter, what are they in association since 2005? Horda?

I know these cunts are poor excuses for journalists… but this is just absolute bollocks. What utter, utter garbage.

“Even when it’s ours fighting, it’s really the fault of dirty wogball.” - basically