How do you pronounce that again? - The new bogan names thread

The former. Not sure how they spelled it though.

I think I mentioned this on the old forum, but I once taught a child called God’s Will.

Not bogan, but weird. A catholic school in London for reference.

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Names can have apostrophes in them?

Simon O’Toole (me) says yes.

Internet forms say… maybe.


In a first/given name though.

I have an apostrophe in my surname. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone, it fucking sucks.

“Please use only valid characters for the surname field”

Fuck you, shit web developers.

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It’s very common in modern African-American families, look at the roster of any NFL team and you’ll find a couple.


Names that contain punctuation in any position in the name will not be registered except for:

  • a hyphen (-) in a hyphenated name or
  • an apostrophe (’), where it’s necessary for correct pronunciation or it is significant for your family or culture.

In places like Portugal there’s an official list of names you have to choose from. At first I was horrified, but after a while there’s only so many Jaden’s and shanheias you can take before that starts looking like a good option.

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My money is on Chevy Veeyate.

I’ve even had “Invalid name” pop up on a couple of sites.

It’s not helped by confusion between apostrophe and single quotes.

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Bogan name spotted at a shopping centre up here - a kid in a little kickers shirt with “Kaynan” on the back.

Kaynan is Brazilian, but probably bogan in this case

Pick your favourite! Crimsyn is mine

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Vessel…jesus wept.

It’s hard to pick just one


My dream job remains working at the Births, Deaths and Marriages registry with nothing but Charlie Pickering’s giant fuck off sized “Cancelled” stamp.


Vessel for a girl is just horrendous

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Depends on the type or cult you’re in I guess

Whereas with just one letter changed, you get “Vassal”, a beautiful gender-neutral name