Israel v Everyone - M.A.D or Peace in the Middle East?

It’s only taken 8 months of the war to start this thread, but I thought since it’s such a large issue, and it doesn’t look like ending any time soon, probably best to devote a thread to it and that way, like the Ukraine v Russia thread, we can leave the World News thread to actual world news.

For those confused about the title, MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

The reason Evangelicals are generally so pro-Zionist and pro-Israel is a constant source of fascination to me, i.e. It’s for their own ends and not particularly favourable to Judaism as a religion. Does make me wonder what their opinion on Palestinian Christians is. Where was Jesus supposedly born? Oh…

It’s because Evangelical Christians believe that the second coming/armageddon/rapture will be preceded by a massive war involving Israel.

Gaza War: Evangelical Leaders Cheer for the End of the World (

These fuckwads are literally cheering on Middle -East conflict and are highly influential in Christofascist circles, it’s why Evangelicals support Trump despite him being closer to the Antichrist, they think he’s more likely to trigger the pre-rapture war.

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Sorry to state the obvious, but what a bunch of fucking weirdos.


Israel are planning another offensive into Gaza City.

Looks like they might be kicking off against Hezbollah now, rocket strike hit a kids soccer game, Hezbollah have denied it was them but Israel are blaming them. Israel using some spicy language to the effect of they are yet to pay for what they have done but it’s about time they did.

Firing a rocket at civilians on a football field is yet another proof point that Hezbollah are utterly fucked. This is where this whole conflict is so shit - the Israeli government, Hamas, Hezbollah - they can all get in the fucking bin.

There’s got to be a way to a future where the leaders on each side see themselves as better off working towards peace. At the moment, we’ve got a situation rewarding extremism on all sides.


At the moment the only way that I can see “peace” is when Israel has razed Palestine.

The only way there will be peace on either side of the Israeli-Palastine/Middle East argument is when they’ve both eradicated one another from humanity.

It’s like oil and water. They cannot exist together.

I don’t get the feeling Netanyahu would stop with just Palestine.

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There’s been reports that it may not have been a Hezbollah, rather that it was a malfunctioning rocket from the Iron Dome.

No idea if we will ever find out the truth though, I don’t believe either side.

John Oliver covered some of this in the latest episode… will sure confuse some americans who weren’t aware of the situations origins and what is actually happening

An enemy must be caressed or annihilated - Machiavelli. I have a feeling that a certain decision has been made somewhere that Palestine cannot exist as a functioning state in any form ever again so that October 7 can never happen again.

They been doing airstrikes into Syria & Lebanon for years & years now. They’re counting on the lack of unity amongst the Middle East nations that may have existed when Israel was invaded in the Yom Kippur war to not be present now so they’ll just keep chipping away as much as possible on an ad hoc basis. Hizbollah has the weapons & the manpower to head south if they felt like however it’s a line that they’re not willing to cross right now.

It’s seriously fucked there. Apparently a Palestinian being held on terror charges has been raped by Israeli soldiers. The soldiers were being held for questioning before being charged. Civilians forced their way into the facility to free them, after which the Knesset was debating the situation. One of their politicians indicated that because the man was Palestinian, it can’t be rape and it can’t be illegal… I mean what the actual fuck?

I feel like this thread needs fixing…

Ismail Haniyeh, the overall leader of Hamas was just assassinated in Tehran… Hours earlier, Israel took out a Hezbollah leader in Beirut. Everyone now doing their best to escalate the conflict

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All foreigners, including Australian’s are being warned to leave Lebanon immediately.

Sounds like there’s fears and intelligence that shit’s about to go down. Which I think we all expected to happen.

Attacks and skirmishes between Israeli and Lebanese Hezbollah seem to be on the increase. Whilst a full blown incursion into Lebanon still hasn’t been ruled out, there’s definitely an informal front opened up on the Lebanon - Israel border.

In addition to that the main energy provider of Lebanon has announced it no longer has the fuel or the ability to supply power to the nation, leading to an almost nation-wide blackout throughout Lebanon.

That’s not going to help the situation in Lebanon.

Link to a decent map with “live” events on the conflicts. It’s the same one that I use for some of my Ukraine updates. The people running it are actually surprisingly objective in reporting facts and news. They’ll rarely report conjecture.

So the oil tanker that was hit by the Houthi’s in the Red Sea a few days ago, has been blown up by the Houthi’s after they boarded it following the crews evacuation, and planted explosives throughout the ship, causing millions of barrels of oil to flood into the Red Sea, which is going to cause a ecological disaster. They’re not very bright. They could have done what they’ve done with other ships and taken it back to Yemen under ransom, but no they decided causing an ecological disaster is more beneficial to their cause.

Houthi video shows Yemeni rebels planted bombs on tanker now threatening Red Sea oil spill | AP News

In other news, Israel earlier this week launched pre-emptive strikes on Hezbollah rocket launch areas within Lebanon, taking out a report ~300 rocket tubes. hours before they were expected to fire into Israel. It’s widely speculated that Hezbollah’s trying to overwhelm the Iron Dome air defence system by launching massive amounts of rockets into Israel. Whilst Hezbollah’s reported to have hundreds of thousands of Iranian-supplied rockets, it’s put a bit of a dent in their ability to launch a massive bombardment at short notice given Israel’s intelligence of this supposed launch.

Hezbollah still managed to fire off a bunch of rockets later in the day, but most of those were intercepted by the Iron Dome System.

Israel has now launched another offensive into the West Bank which has killed about 20 people (combatants and civilians). Sadly, Israel are employing the same tactics they’ve employed within Gaza, blockading local hospitals to stop the injured from getting help.

I think the word you should be using is scandalously.

With how this conflict is going, I struggle to see how my preferred outcome, a two state solution has any chance of ever coming about. I think my hopes have been rather naive. I really cannot see any outcome other than constant war.