It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Surely even a first year lawyer would destroy this case, and get the kid a nice fat payout so he’ll never have to work a day in his life.

Thats the biggest problem with this in my book. They had a proactive process going on there. The parents were involved and co-operating with the authorities to try and help the kid and these fuckwits just worked against that.




His old mate is in a bit of strife…



I worry for the women of his family.

It’s his Italian heritage, apparently

Chucky has The BIG C.

Are we up for another un-ellected head of state?

Can we talk about a republic now or is this another hurdle that makes it still disrespectful to discuss it?

Edit. Refering to someone getting cancer as a hurdle definitely sounds heartless but anytime I see news of the English royals, my mind instantly thinks of a flag without the union jack, money without their heads on it and a Republic of Australia.

Unfortunately, the only time I’ve heard of that family in the past 5 years has been a paedophile, death and now cancer.


I feel like the “disrespect” factor is not going to be nearly as big this time around. Charles hasn’t been king for long. I don’t know if its that heartless but it feels like reality to me.

Also he’s an offensive bell-end


if they wanted the monarchy to succeed, they should’ve have skipped Charles and gone straight to William… would’ve avoided the inevitable short reign (age/illness) and get the younger people engaged.

Whether Australia should be a republic is another matter entirely and, much like everything else, until the alternative is figured out it will never get through

Why would having a younger king ‘engage’ young people, he’s just another chinless inbred sickeningly wealthy idiot with a silly hat. Nothing about him is relatable for ordinary people queuing up at the food bank.


Well, while that may be the case, he is certainly more popular than his brother, uncle and (probably) his father.

Syphilis is more popular than them, not a convincing argument

As a token of my high regard for you Jubal, here’s a photo of King Charles wearing a kilt.


Bet he’s wearing a hand-crocheted testicle warmer made from the pubic hair of virgin slaves, presented to George III by James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger in 1804.

In fairness, once you’ve worn a hand-crocheted testicle warmer made from the pubic hair of virgin slaves, presented to George III by James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger. on 1804, it’s really hard to wear any other hand-crocheted testicle warmers. I find that hand-crocheted testicle warmers made from the pubic hair of virgin slaves, presented to George III by James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger. on 1804 generally offer the greatest warmth with the lowest degree of testicle swing


AI generated drivel?

Just a man who appreciates testicle warmers