It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Not sure if this belongs here or in climate change thread more:

Iā€™m shocked that it hasnā€™t gone down, despite them approving more fossil fuel sites over the last few yearsā€¦


What, after the false fall from the pandemic?


Even the Guardian used that term, to be fair. Not to say I agree or disagree with the wording.

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When you think about it, when you do a backflip you usually end up facing the same direction you started. Maybe we should just use another word.

Inverted policy position?

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I think its relevant in both threads, honestly.

reassessed based on popular opinion?

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They used to use ā€œabout faceā€. Makes more sense.

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Bill Shorten is retiring from politics.

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He helped create the NDISā€¦

But I guess politics is only what happened in the last month.

Any noise seems to be better than no noise these days ā€¦

I would not be awfully surprised if he started looking elsewhere because he isnā€™t fully on board with the NDIS changes.

Whatever Labor does, it will be criticised, whether by the Greens or by the Coalition. Losing votes to the left might push them into a coalition. Losing votes to the right might put them in opposition. Guess which one itā€™s going to choose?

Think of it this way - it suits better for Labor to do centrist things and leave a big lane for the Greens (and have a chance at winning) than it would for Labor to go leftward and crowd them out (and guarantee that it loses power). The best outcome the Greens will ever get is to be a junior coalition partner. They need Labor to be electable, and to leave room on their left flank. Otherwise theyā€™re just pissing in the wind, and theyā€™ll have fewer seats (and jobs to share around to Greens activists).

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I think that just describes global politics at the moment. Whenā€™s the last time any major government globally put their shit to the side and just did SOMETHING for the greater good of their country. Even whenever any government does something half decent, the other side will complain that itā€™s not enough, just becauseā€¦ The only time in the past few decades I can properly think of, would be Covid


Quality own goal. Really, really made sure it was obviously a political decision and not just about what the census should be about - good data to base governance on.
