Job and Workplace Advice Thread

What do you mean be being read by 4 different sections? You lost me a bit there.

Do you guys use Office 365?

Office - Data input

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Section 1 - QA
Section 2 - Processing area 1
Section 3 - Processing area 2
Section 4 - Warehouse

What’s Office 365? The Microsoft Office suite of programs?

Office 365 is a cloud based version of Office (plus has heaps of other stuff). If you have the spreadsheet stored online and a recent copy of Office installed locally (or access the spreadsheet using Excel online), then multiple users can all have the spreadsheet open at the same time and see updates made by other users in real time. So the Office could add new jobs and the people in the different sections could see them get updated immediately.

You can do the same thing in GoogleDocs.

Is that what you’re after?

Pretty much.

I don’t know if we do anything Cloud based and I’m not keen on that. Especially as we already have a LAN.

If you save it locally (on a shared drive) then it gets messy quickly because only one person can have the spreadsheet opened with write access, and if the others open it for read access they would need to close and re-open all the time.

Do you have SharePoint by any chance (this could be on a server within your LAN). A SharePoint list is another way that you could approach it.

I wouldn’t know about SharePoint.

This is the link that suggests to me you can do this with spreadsheets.

That’s for bringing in external data (from another database/application) into a spreadsheet. Not sure that’s what you want to do.

What does “even another Excel workbook” refer to then?

Ah, I get you. Might not be the most elegant solution, but that might work - i.e. the folks in the other sections refresh data from the spreadsheet managed by the Office guys. You could do something similar using references/links (simply referencing data from another spreadsheet). Just not sure if it might complain if the source spreadsheet is open.

It would also rely on the guys in the office saving the spreadsheet after they add a new job, and the guys in the other areas refreshing their spreadsheets frequently to see if any new jobs have been added, so a bit messy.

Zero cost proof of concept is a good place to start.

Any journos in the house? Going into my second year of uni and figured it’s time to get my hands a bit dirty with an intership or just a bit of work experience. Any advice? And if the advice is to change my degree to something in an industry that isn’t doomed, I get enough of that from my lecturers.

What area/focus are you hoping to move into?

For Sports reporting

  1. Find the best cannoli in Sydney.
  2. Track down Kevin Airs
  3. Give the cannoli to Airs
  4. Ask for work experience


  1. Get a kebab
  2. Break into Bossi’s gaff at 2am
  3. Give kebab to Bossi
  4. Ask for work experience

Ideally, sport. I’d also like to do entertainment (music, film, TV kinda stuff), but in terms of job prospects, I’m thinking politics is a safer bet. In an internship, though, I’d definitely like to dabble in a few different things to see what’s out there.

Hearing from someone keen to get into journalism (with sport being an interest) and looking for opportunities while Archie Thompson takes up a role as a side-line commentator is soul destroying.


True. Especially in football broadcasting in Australia, there aren’t many jobs to start with and the few available roles are usually taken up by ex-players.

Not that I’d necessarily want to have an on-air role in any case. I think I’m too camera-shy.

These days anyone can do anything, which is both good and bad. Yes you get guys like Archie doing cushy on air work, but then you get people like Kate Cohen doing amazing football analysis work (I think that may have even got her a job at Fox/ Guardian).
Im not a journo but used to work with them in publishing and media. My observation would be find a lot you want to work with and in your application include some pitch ideas and a potential article that’s in a format that could use. Simple stuff, but older journos basically want to know you can do the job without them having to nurse you every step of the way.

Good stuff. Thanks mate.

Pretty sure places like the roar will publish anyone who can write a sentence (and some who can’t) @Tuck might have a better idea

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This is true @rhysmcfc.

As for internships, @shilo, I did a Masters of Journalism several years ago and my internship was closely scrutinised by my university. Do you have to officially do an internship through your degree? If that’s the case, I’d speak to a member of faculty about lining up something in one of the digital newsrooms around town ASAP.