Maintenance Tonight 8/5/23 - 10pm-11pm

We will be upgrading the forum software tonight from 10pm, it should only take 10 mins or so but have allocated an hour to it. Thanks for understanding.


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Time to sharpen the pyramid and polish the all-seeing eye


After that weak penalty on Saturday night, the all-seeing eye might need some kind of monocle

Wow this is super fast to load, some nice clean new features too.

Outs: SFCU (maintenance, one hour)


Yeah, seems to load much quicker.

Also, seems to have fixed the issue I had sometimes where the editor would sometimes lose track of vertical position in Android+Firefox and I’d have to click about 8mm above the button or text that I wanted to select.

Everything seems to working like a charm. Credit to the boys in the IT team.

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Nice one :+1:

I don’t suppose you’ve found how to edit this link? It’s still pointing to an old page that no longer exists

Screenshot 2023-05-09 093033

This is tripping me out!

I need to look at that again, will try to sort it out.

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I really like the new feature red line indicating last visit. Well done and thanks, guys!