Memberships 2024/25

Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion man


You’re out of your element daveee!

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Turns out it added fine to mine, too.

Perhaps I should have just tried first instead of reading the instructions.

Could anyone who successfully added membership cards to the Google wallet please post the steps?

Much appreciated.

Pretty sure all i did was download the file then when i opened it i was given the option to open in Google wallet


Google Wallet has been much better with pkpass (the Apple developed standard) recently.

I’ve also found a trick for those pesky A4 Ticketek/Ticketmaster PDF tickets.
Just screenshot the page. Edit and crop to just a single barcode - I normally just do a rectangle with the sideways barcode and aisle/row/seat details.

Then go into Wallet - AddToWallet - Photos - and select the cropped screenshot.
As a bonus it also saves the crop so you have easy lookup of the seat number.

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In the email there are two icons, one for Apple Wallet and one for Google Play. Don’t click either of these. Above the icons there is a line which says “The Membership Card is assigned to ??? click here to download.” Click on the word “here” and follow the prompts.

If you also subscribed to the ALW there will be two lines and two cards to download.


Thanks that worked! :beers: :beers: :beers:

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If you have a silver membership, can you pay to do tunnel club for a match? How much does it cost?

Not sure how much, but you can call and ask them to upgrade you for a specific game. I guess you pay whatever the difference between your seat and tunnel club is

Anyone else having issues buying tickets through Ticketek today, for games this season? On FB the club had said they would be available for members today, but not sure what time?

UPDATE: Ticketek now indicating 1pm today.

Just received my membership pack order.

The 20 year anniversary hat is high quality. The logo is 3D textured rubber, and the embossed detail is nice.

The 15-year member coin collection is smaller than I thought (a bit bigger than the palm of my hand), but has been updated with the 2nd Aus Cup win.

I think this circular logo would look great as our new club crest/emblem.


Great to hear, I also added the hat to my order so looking forward to an upgrade on my current one.
I think I’m at 13 years, but those coins look great, hoping they’re still around when I hit 15yrs

If I recall correctly, the coin set was around 5 years ago for the inaugural members hitting 15 years, so a good chance it will continue to be around in 2 years, hopefully with some updates on the trophy count.

I had some mail today, i got excited, turns out it was just my Medicare card until '29.


Most of the mail I get nowadays is for the people that used to live here.
I’ve been living in this house for almost 2 years.

Haven’t you seen the movie Parasite?

Are you sure they no longer live there? :person_shrugging:

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I keep getting SpecSavers letters addressed to the previous owner telling him he’s due for an eye test.

The person that bought my old house recently sent over some mail addressed to us, including a SpecSavers letter reminding me to get an eye exam.

I reckon that same person who got my mail has a SpecSavers letter sent to their old address too.

Its the circle of (poor eyesight) life.

I remember, as a child, thinking how unfair it was that all the letters coming to the house would be addressed to my parents. Then thinking how it would be different when i’m old. Then the internet came about…

My season tickets arrived, but none of the merchandise (being packed at a different location and will be dispatched shortly apparently)