"Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to f**k". - The Cooking Thread

Nath91’s Round the World Cooking Tour

  • :guinea_bissau: - Guinea-Bissau: Camarões à Guineese
    (Guinean Shrimp)
  • :ireland: - Republic of Ireland: Beef & Guinness Stew

I’ll come up with a more interesting title later (taking suggestions) but the comment in another thread about Gumbo, and I just happen to be making Gumbo for dinner tonight.

I’ve made a few times now, freaking love it. Up there as one of the most warming and comforting stews.

Basically follow this guys recipe . He’s hilarious and very relatable. I feel like if I ever met him in real life I’d be best friends with him haha.

Can’t find andouille sausage anywhere, so I normally use a good chorizo or smoked Kransky which I used this time.

Also normally used a better beer, but at the in laws so had to snake a Great Northern.

Next thing I wanna make is Jambalya - which is another recipe Isaac Toups has a YT video on.

I also do a mean Beef & Guiness Stew, and my personal favourite (which I haven’t made often as it’s a bit of a bitch to make), Puerco Pibil.


Brilliant idea for a thread mate - love a good cook. Will go through my photos a bit later and chuck a few up over the next few days.

Cheers for that link, will pass on to the missus for future reference, she’s the far better cook so I’m usually relegated to dish duty.

As an aside she undertook a project attempting to cook either the national dish, or a suitable alternative traditional dish, from every single country. We did one a week, pulled at random out of a jar, and got 3 years into a roughly 4 year project (did 160 out of just over 200) before the last Covid lockdown scuppered chances of getting to specialist grocers for ingredients. I requested gumbo when USA came out of the jar. :wink:

There were an awful lot of chicken & rice dishes from Africa and Asia, but all slightly different. We really should get back to it, especially as next up (already pulled from the jar) will be Slovakia. Forza potatoes!


I have a local butcher who says if I give him a recipie, he’ll make andouille sausage for me, anyone interested in splitting an order? I think the minimum is 4Kg but I’m waiting on confirmation and pricing.

Oooft. That sounds a brilliant.

I love cooking, and generally do the most of the cooking between the missus and I. She does a mean potato bake however.

I discovered Isaac Toups whilst on a YT rabbit hole. His style is me to a T haha.

Other good cooking YT channels I recommend are Binging with Banish, and Chef John from Food Wishes.Com.

on this thread, there’s a Lebanese butcher in West Ryde that does the Lebanese sausages, only thing is he doesn’t advertise, so you need to actually ask him for them and be lucky enough to be there on a day that he has some. They taste beautiful!

Got a go to Lamb Ragu recipe that I’m happy to share. Pretty simple dish but I reckon it’s a good one to have in the arsenal. Do it on a low n slow for Sunday dinner probably once a month or so.

Will post up when I get home.


Mother in law bought some Lebanese lamb sausages a few weeks ago, but they were mega dry.

We cooked them on the Weber but probably over cooked them.

Also, if anyone wants some good Eastern European Smallgoods, Narel Smallgoods in Plumpton is good. I’ll preface it by saying they’re my wife’s cousins, but they really do good quality. Have a Polish equivalent to a kransky

What’s the most difficult dish you’ve cooked?

Mine is Beef Wellington I think.

Puerto Pibil is probably the hardest thing I’ve done.

Hard as in sourcing all the spices. My go to spice retailer for dishes is Herbies Spices. They used to be based in Balmain, then Rozelle. I think they’ve relocated up to the Central Coast now, but you can buy everything online from them. That and getting a spice grinder to grind everything up. Last time I made it my old coffee grinder I use for spices died. Went to 4 different K-Marts before I found one in stock.

my hardest would be pierogi (Polish dumplings), not because they were technically hard, just the time to do them. You need to do the dough, cook the meat, mince everything and then add the spices/additions and then make the dumplings. Took me almost two days and I only made 80. My mum does 200 in a single sitting…

Absolutely nailed it though.

I found paella to be quite challenging.

I suck at anything remotely Asian cuisine.

Get your pics in before @Factor starts posting pics of his sweets.

He’s the king.

I picked up a knockoff of an Ooni Koda 12 pizza oven before Christmas. Ive not been very succesful in my attempts to make Neapolitan style pizzas at home so I changed tact a little bit.

Here’s my last attempt with it.

Where we went for Christmas had a wood fire pizza oven and I became obsessed by it. I now need to get one built at home

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Check this out first. I’ll go down this path sometime this year first I commit to something fancy.

I also have an electric bench top oven that goes ok and I’ve found cast iron skillet pizza gives good results too.

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If you want to do curries or a good winter Irish Stew, you simply need one of these.

There are a number of brands of multi cookers but Instant Pot is the one that most reviewers rate as the best. Mine is a Sunbeam and it is fine.

I just use a regular slow cooker.