"Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to f**k". - The Cooking Thread

Picked up a MB9+ Wagyu brisket yesterday. Just put it on the smoker.

The pellet grill with WiFi is pretty fool proof but it is still alwas a bit nervy committing to so much meat and such a long cook.


Camp Chef Woodwind 24". Very similar though.

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Spent the afternoon lifting my gyoza game.

My first batch looked like a bunch of anatomical oddities, but by batch 3 they looked great.

I have 2 new styles, one with spicy truffle sauce and one with XO mushroom sauce added to the pork/prawn basics. I messed around with combinations of spring onions, shallots and sauces and even bacon, which simply doesn’t work (yeah, I’m shocked too) but quickly landed on the winning combos.

Even my wife had to admit that they tasted superb.


I’ve been watching Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi on Disney. It’s quite good. Bit of inspo there.

Just polished off a blame Canada burger from Bar Luca. First one for a while but still the best burger in the city.


Ooooft. I do love me a Blame Canada. I have shown great restraint from not blowing my paycheque at the Bar Luca at Edmondon Square. Very, very tempting too.

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So the other night for mothers day I made the wife, the mother in law and the sister in law dinner, and as requested by the wife, I made I made by (not) BBQ pulled chicken sliders. Really simple to throw together and is just super tasty. You can cook them on the BBQ or in a pot/pan.

Feeds 4-6.

• 2kg chicken thighs
• 1-2 large onions, cut into rings
• 2 tablespoons:
o Smoked paprika
o Onion power
o Garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon
o Cayenne Pepper or chilli powder
o Italian herbs
• Vegetable oil
• ½ cup – 1 cup chicken stock
• Salt and pepper
• ½ can/bottle of beer. A malt-forward beer is best, as you don’t want a bitter aftertaste (optional)
• ½ - 1 cup of BBQ sauce (of your choosing. The smokier the sauce, the better. I occasionally whip up a bourbon BBQ sauce to go with it)
• 6 toasted burger buns
• Packet of coleslaw.
• 2 tbsps apple cider vinegar
• 2 tbspsn lemon juice


• Mix all your spices in a little bowl. Once mixed, cover your chicken with the spices and rub them into the chicken until all the chicken is coated
• On a high heat, sear the chicken thighs in a high walled frying pan/Dutch oven, with a little oil, until each side is nicely browned. The thighs shouldn’t be cooked through, but should have a nice sear on them. Transfer the chicken to a plate.
• Once your chicken’s all seared and set aside, throw in your onions and fry those over a medium heat with a pinch of salt. You don’t want to burn them or cook too quickly. The juices released from the onion will help deglaze your pot/pan.
• Once the onions have softened, re-add your chicken thighs, including any accumulated juices on the plate.
• Add in your beer & chicken stock. Fill so that the liquid almost completely covers the chicken.
• Cook on a low heat for 2-3 hours, or until the chicken is falling apart and can be cut with a dank spoon.
• Pull out the chicken and shred with 2 forks, a dank spoon, your fingers, or whatever utensil device you have on hand.
• If you have plenty of liquid in the pot remaining, turn it on high and let it reduce until you have about 200ml remaining.
• Re-add the now shredded chicken to the liquid and give it a good ol’ stir. This will keep your chicken moist.
• Add a good dollop of BBQ sauce to the chicken and stir until it’s coated. Depending on how saucy you want it depends on how much sauce you add.
• Kill the heat, and set the pot aside.
• In a new bowl chuck your coleslaw into a bowl.
• Dollop 3-4 tablespoons of your favorite mayonnaise onto the coleslaw. I’m a S&W guy, personally.
• Add in your vinegar, lemon juice, and a good pinch of salt and pepper, and mix thoroughly. For a bit of spice, add a pinch of cayenne pepper.
• Slice up your buns. To serve, heap a pile of coleslaw and BBQ chicken onto a bun, add more BBQ sauce if desired.
• Enjoy!

You could substitute the chicken for pork, and have an equally delicious burger.


Made some eggs benedict with potato rosti the other day. First time i’ve ever made “western” style rosti, have always made them Polish style where you mince the potato and onion rather than grate them. Was surprisingly happy with the result. May have been a fair bit too dense, but the taste was quite good. Pair it with bacon, poached eggs and the sauce, very happy with the result!

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I’ve never been brave enough to try but is the sauce for eggs Benedict really hard to make?

if you can make mayo you can make hollandaise

This sounds stupidly easy…shame the mrs is vego. I could really go some chicken burgers/sliders!

It is, and it’s so satisfyingly saucy.

I forgot to post a photo the other night. Too busy licking my fingers.

Not really. Just need to heat it really really gently on a bain marie to not scramble it. If you split, I generally add another egg yolk, but apparently water works too. If it’s too runny just heat and stir for longer, if it’s too thick add a bit of vinegar.

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I’d say it’s a cross between making custard and mayo

Not hard at all (but as a former chef I would say that, right?)

Key tips I could give are:

  1. When making the sabayon (which is the name for the whisked, cooked egg yolk bit), it’s all about heat control and making sure you keep whisking to both add air and avoid scrambling as Paulska said
  2. Clarified butter - melt your butter in a saucepan on a really low heat (lowest setting possible) until the milk solids separate and fall to the bottom. Use a ladle to gently scoop off the clear oily part on top without disturbing the bottom
  3. Drizzle the clarified butter slowly into the sabayon while whisking. Don’t add more until what you’ve already added is fully mixed in
  4. You’ll need both hands (one for whisking, one for drizzling), so if you’re solo put a wet tea towel over a pot and sit your whisking bowl in that to hold it steady

Some technique is involved, but it’s easily learned. Good skill to have, so worth giving it a crack.


That’s brilliant mate, thanks for the info. Will definitely take some notes

The next time I do hot dogs things could get interesting.

That’s the one they have at Dove and Olive right?

It’s nice, but it’s pretty mild really.