"Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to f**k". - The Cooking Thread

I love how Jamies like “Who would eat this?”.

All the kids pause, and then all their hands shoot up in the air :rofl:

And Jamie’s just like “…bruh”.

Honestly the carcass of a chicken is still fine. He mentions the bone marrow which is actually full of good stuff. People (maybe myself) suck the marrow out of cooked bones.

Fuck I could go a Maccas 10 pack nug nugs now.

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There’s a video doing the rounds of how seafood extender is made, makes the point better than what Jamie does.

The bit that gets me about the nuggets is the chicken skin and the amount of fat that goes with it. Otherwise, carry on.

Chicken skin is delicious.


Is just another word for flavour


Old El Paso style soft tacos for dinner tonight. Comforting taste of childhood.

Sometimes its nice to have food that is neither authentic or challenging.


Lebanese bread makes for the best base for a quick cheeky pizza.

  • Tomato Sauce (not ketchup)
  • Cheese
  • Jalapenos
  • Sprinkle of mixed herbs/italian herbs.

Stick it under the grill for a few minutes so the cheese melts and the edges go crispy.



Let us know when you melt the cheese.

Keen to see the finished product.


That was my second one :rofl: was too hungry and impatient to wait any longer.

Still tasted amazing though.

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I had a go at Spaghetti all’assassina this evening.

I think I may have to have more goes.

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Basically one pot with tomato and chilli?

Done this for years when on camping trips. Doing it over a wood fire is the way to go, imo.

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And garlic!

Threads going full circle.

As the months are starting to get cooler and chillier, going to make my first gumbo of the year tomorrow. Gumbo, it’s the new Anzac Day tradition. It’s what the men in the trenches would have wanted, probably.

Just a shame I can’t make it too spicy.

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Imagine that, you are in a muddy stinking trench hanging for some Gumbo but all you get are some lousy Anzac biscuits

Time to make some Beef Bourginoon then post pics of it still in my pan so my auntie can go where’s the mash potato? Where’s the cocktail onions, you’re meant to use cocktail onions.

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Ol mate had a fair whack at this.

In typical American fashion it’s way to over the top. It doesn’t need two meat patties or two pineapple slices and at least break up/caramel that onion if you’re adding it.

He didn’t put both pieces of pineapple on it. And the comments are full of people telling him how to improve.

Considering he didn’t grow up here, has never been exposed to it before and he’s expanding his horizons and having a go; ‘Ol mate had a fair whack at this.’

Like I read the comments, never read the comments :wink:

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TBH, that’s your loss. Sometimes the comments are the most entertaining part.

Sometimes the most informative.

Sometimes the most terrifying.

The world is a rich tapestry.