Not sure if alcoholics anonymous would survive in a comp now
Not sure if alcoholics anonymous would survive in a comp now
Chruches league then cdsfa then esfa… I remember the first game we played in all age 4 or 7 or whatever it was in CDSFA and ee got done 8 nil or something because of some ex nsl striker on the other side… if my failing memory serves me right.
Think we moved to Eastern suburbs because we were getting kicked to shit in games with no refs.
Back to NPL chat, I recall some homecoming game at oval no.1 where the referee observer in the stands had the theme from the godfather as his ringtone. Think the ref got poor marks that day, and I suggest he probably didn’t argue about it.
The 2003 season had far too many brawls, which is why my squad was mad keen to go.
More relevant to this thread, there was also the matter of SUSFC needing a youth program to stay in Super League and ESSFA (as it was then) needing a senior program to stay in Super Youth League - this happy marriage of convenience spawned the Sydney Uni Eastern Lions, that played out of Hensley Athletic Field.
I’m sure they’re not the first. Someone in AA division -75 has probably done it somewhere.
Trying to link a FB post about Kalac getting the Sydney United job but it won’t work.
Anyway, bring on the hilarity.
They could just get Josip Simunic. He’d be right at home.
If you’re a round @demotedD. Time to add another year to the title of the thread.
Pre-season/trial matches start Tue 6th Feb 2024.
If NST does got ahead when planned, the NPL will look quite different next year. Unless of course those teams just bring in youth teams to the comp.
Our 2024 NPL1 home games appear scheduled at Rockdale Ilinden.
Boo farken. Forza VSP.
But more opportunities to get cevapi.
Are our games free entry at Rockdale?
The Lambert Park days were the best fun. That NPL2 year was such a good time.
Why not sky Park? Isn’t that one of the main points of building it?
That reads like it’s scripted straight from an FM email.
Podcast is happening.
Links to spotify/apple etc.
Season starts this Friday.
Anyone thinking about going to Cromer on the Friday night? Nice little bar patio to enjoy a beer and watch the game and say hello.