Research on game day experiences of fans

Dear all,

I am conducting some university research on the game day experiences of sports fans in Australia. I would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete the survey I have compiled:

It should take less than 10 minutes to complete and I thank you in advance for your time.


A shame the major factor in gameday experience isn’t touched on in this short survey. Heavy handed police and security staff who make spectators feel unsafe, targeted and like criminals needs to be addressed. It’s probably the number one factor which influences game day experiences for football fans, along with nit-picking governing bodies.
Also the primary reasons for enjoying attending a match isn’t discussed. Aleague football matches have atmosphere unseen in all other codes. That is when security allow members to stand, sing and have tifos etc.

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Some very crappy questions in there - Explain why betting is an important part of your sports experience…

…it’s not.

That question breaks all sorts of survey/data collection best practices, it makes assumptions and has clear bias, and there are others similarly bad.

I hope the analysis is better than the survey.


Thanks for the feedback on the survey and thanks to those wo have shared their views.

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There’s no cup holders at my seat or cheerleaders at half time. Worst of all, I don’t win things for showing up.


Is VAR covered? Because it should be if it isn’t.

No cannoli, no football.

Thanks to those who have completed the survey.


Survey still open if anyone has a spare few minutes.


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Many thanks Mayamula.

Last shout to see if anyone can help me out with the survey.