Round 15 - Australia's Shame vs Sydney FC - 24/1/25

Peach baguette firmly incoming.

That said, with the recent number of goals per game for each team though, this could be a 5-4.

So keen for this game, first away derby in Melbourne in years. FTT

Don’t blame me, I voted for Drilla


We we’re bad against Brisbane but the shame have a coach out of his depth and have been in free fall since Kisnorbo left. We should be winning this.

Will we though?

The same way Brisbane would have been quietly confident against us, we should be quietly confident against them. It’s possible but I know better this season to have any idea what will happen out there, I’m guessing Talay feels the same. No plan, no idea, let’s hope Lolley has a good game.

Late goal from us to steal a draw.

I have no idea of what to expect, therefore no expectations… it has the potential to be glorious with two coaches seemingly baffled by what is happening before them.

All I can really say with confidence is Sotirio will get 30 minutes, JK will get less than 10.

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Let’s play football!

(say it like Joe Wilkinson says “let’s play countdown!”)


The only thing more guaranteed is that I will be following Dan Andrews’ advice and getting on the beers.

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We only show up for big games.

2-0 to the good guys, despite any lack of rotation/formation/tactics from Mr Talay.

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The same lineup as the last month probably…

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Let’s name people’s penises whilst hanging about in Melbourne train station toilets?


Away win

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2 nil pink shirt etc

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Hey in melby already…… this will be my first away derby in ages…… never been to aami park. What bay should we attempt to get tickets in? Going with my wife and 2 boys

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Dunno the bay number but SE corner

Good effort. Section 11 is the away bay, lower half in the ‘wedge’ will be hectic, up and to the left (above access tunnel) is usually more sedate for the non-active folks.

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We will win this and everyone will forget how shit we have recently been

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4-2 loss

I dislike Melbourne.