Round 21 - Sydney FC vs WSW - 2/4/22

One of the slowest build ups to a derby I’ve seen. I don’t love our chances after playing mid week but hey this might be a nice silver lining.

We are going to get arse blasted, peach baguetted and more!!

Stop the pain

Not going to be pretty, honestly think we could go down by 3 or 4.

After the pathetic performance against last week we need the boys to fire the fuck up. We need Corica to give the boys a bit of oomph pre-game. The guy I feel is too nice. Get Brosquey in the sheds to rev em up a bit.

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The shitest team seems to come away with a result in this derby in past years, so I’m going to go ahead and predict a comfortable 3-0 win to the good guys.


For once, this our is our cup final, not there’s (they have had there’s earlier in the season)

We have fuck all else to play for


I will take a win tomorrow for a loss in every one of our other remaining games. I am at Wanderer’s regular level of desperation.

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Never been more “meh” for a derby, but I suppose it would be nice to roll them at Kogarah. Iirc we haven’t beaten them there, only at the SCG in recent seasons?

Also, if the RBB bother to show it could be a good opportunity to canvas their current position on Putin. Bring your Hatamoto clipboards.

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Club’s Insta posted a video of him yesterday wearing our current kit.

Fuck the sheds, get him back on the pitch.


Yeah this is our GF.

Even if we scrape into the top 6 our finals campaign will be a solitary away game.

Forecast is showers in the morning and clearing by the arvo.

Time to consign them to a 5th season without finals football.

So it looks like there isn’t a match tonight but Adelaide V Victory is on the same time as us tomorrow. Seriously who the fuck is scheduling this bollocks. 2 matches I’d never miss at the same time but none on a Friday night


It really is terrible, but I assume it’s because of late changes to other fixtures/stadium clashes etc. It’s hard enough to move one game but a reshuffle of a few games to fit TV scheduling would be a nightmare. I just think this season is basically a write-off. If we get a season that isn’t COVID/flood hammered and this crazy scheduling is still happening then it’ll be a problem. But I am working off the assumption that they’re doing the best they can and really need to get the season wrapped up to avoid a heap of contract issues with players/grounds/staff/P+ etc.

I will add that I think the whole ‘2 games on at the same time’ thing P+ tried is a complete failure and I hope to see it go next season. I might be giving them too much credit, but I wonder if they actually did it smartly that way on purpose to pack in games to avoid other scheduling issues in the event of COVID postponements (which is exactly how it played out in the end).

Neither of those two played midweek so could’ve been right to play tonight, but the flip side is there’d have been a riot if they moved another MV away game with decent away support after having already done so with the Big Blue.

So again, if it’s just a case of keeping the original fixture so as not to inconvenience AUFC members and MV travellers then you can’t really complain.



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The best bit is they will also show key moments in the other game so you cant even watch it later without knowing the result.


is there actually a derby happening today?

Need the win today, don’t really care what happens with the rest of the season (or has already happened), just win today and i’ll be happy. Fire up!



I would lose today 6-0 if it meant we made the finals.