Round 4 2019/20 Discussion

Motogp qualifying was brilliant entertainment.

How was the wsw bne game?

Flappy Lopar Love in full swing ffs. He is a foreign Vedran at best.

Schwegler and Jurman picking up injuries alsoā€¦the wheels are slowly falling off.


Other clubs need to publicly start calling bullshit.

I totally missed that they had 14k. 14k is nearly 50% fullā€¦is this club for real?

Maybe there were 5k in the hospitality lounges watching the cricket?

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They copied us and gave out grey ponchos with memberships

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AAMI park not available?

I was wondering the same thing

Thatā€™s one hell of a strike.

oh dear

Oh well there goes this game. Terrible playing out from the back both times.

Nah all setup for a berisha hat trick now

Gorgeous strike that. This is one hell of a start.

maybe this really is the real melb derby


Wu signed 5 senior cbs and are playing a dm in a back 3 :thinking:

Kurz will defo try and sit on this lead.
Toivonen is looking scary good this year, thankfully the rest of the team has taken a step backwards.


Game on moles

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Itā€™s on.

Celebrate like squiresā€™ comic for his third

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Iā€™m enjoying the Melbourne Derby 2.0.