Round 8 - Evil Incarnate v Sydney FC - 25 Jan 2022

At Melbourne Rectangular Stadium

Kick off 7:45pm

All I see is a baguette and a peach in our future. :frowning:


About time we played these pricks.!

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Can’t wait for the slow start and waking up after they score.

I have a bad feeling about this one for some reason

Is it because they’re top of the table and we’ve been butthole?

I was also thinking inevitable arse blasting too, but the circumstances may actually suit us.
Then I just remembered basically our back 5 bar Wilko are out so its back to arse blast city.

Let’s. Fucking. Go.

Great effort to anyone still going down on the Tuesday.

Just landed, first interstate trip since the Perth GF.

Fucking bring it.


Fold The Club.

This ain’t going to be pretty

Oh it’s definitely cancelled now!

I did wait until seeing our boys boarding before booking a hotel (flights had one date change included).

But whatevs, if it’s cancelled I’ll just head to Kittens. :man_shrugging:


This is either a rough peach baguetting or an Elvis masterclass, no middle ground.

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Elvis will score a beauty to make the victory fans choke on their middies…. As a consolation in a 4-1 defeat


5-0. It’s going to be a bloodbath.

Is this now 7 games in 14 days? No wonder we look tired.

Yeah you thought we looked tired on the weekend. Hooo boy. Blasting imminent.

I forgot that this game was on tonight. Awesome, something to look forward to… well, until the baguette begins to ram.

Maybe force us to sit deep and hit them with speed on the counter?

Honestly, its our most likely route to goal at the moment.

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