Streets of our town - the Sydney thread

That is not a classic Australian hamburger.
There’s a very noticeable lack of beetroot.


There was beetroot. Hidden under the top bun. Unfortunately the staff at the burger shop don’t have the time, effort, nor inclination or budget to make the burgers look like a hungry jacks ad.

As above.

Beef (2 patties), onion, cheese, tomato, lettuce, beetroot, pineapple, chilli sauce.

Freaking :ok_hand:


Needs an egg


I don’t wanna be that guy but chili sauce a tad controversial on an Aussie hamburger? Tomato or barbecue were the only real options for me growing up from memory


Chili is acceptable. If it’s sweet chilli, that’s a bigger faux-pas than pineapple.

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No sauce is the best option.

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“Trackwork” to Newcastle, to Port Kembla & Southern Highlands all on the one weekend because it’s important to discourage people from going anywhere.

The thing that pisses me off about Sydney the most. People use the trains on the weekends. I’m on the metro at the moment and it’s farken packed. So many times I have organised to meet mates on a Saturday only to realise there is fucking track work. Can’t they do this over night like other major cities?

They already do small amounts of trackwork overnight on limited sections of track that takes under 4 hours to complete.

They need to close lines for 1-2 days when doing repairs on extended large areas of track.

Are there major cities that have no daytime trackwork?

No idea but doesn’t London do it at night time? Same with the NY underground?

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Our train system is extremely convoluted and probably one of the most complicatedin the world. A lot of the European systems were rebuilt post war adter they understood city planning and most of their cities were destroyed in bombing. Ours has slowly been built over the past century. Plus assuming the night work will be significantly more expensive, on top of noise complaints etc.

Speaking of our trains. Why do our trains have the overhead pantographs for the electricity. Surely its better to have what they do in London, New York and around the world and have the electrical track right next to the rails.

Tokyo, probably.

Again, youd have to redo the system and then rebuy all the trains

We love pissing money up against the wall.

What’s a few hubdred billion, eh.

My Dad used to work construction for the railways back in the 80s and 90s and I remember him doing a ton of mid-week night work but all stopped in the 2000s and I suspect that people who lived near the tracks complained.

Also you have to remember, you would only have a small window when the the system stops for the day and starts the next day. So if they are running late it would fark up peak hour and probably fark up the whole day.


Overnight work is mostly emergency work and patch up jobs.

You see them occasionally, but there’s one or two track maintenance vehicles that run around the entire network constantly. These pick up cracks in the rail etc. And also bigger issues. Rail cracks can be repaired over night, but a job where 1,000 sleepers need to be replaced over a 10km stretch will need a weekend shutdown as they basically need to dig up the line to replace them.

Fairly sure all repairs to overhead wiring get done on the shutdowns too as thats a big job.

Few months ago there was one of those rail maintenance vehicles that detected a massive crack in a rail in the city circle at like 3.30am just before morning services began. Because of the severity of the crack they needed to repair it immediately. Due to the timing all the morning services got fucked up.

Going to the Mariners v WSW women’s game on Sunday at their home complex.

Does anyone know of any decent places to eat around there? It just looks like one big wasteland of houses and fast food joints.

That’s because it is a pretty big wasteland of houses and (very poor) fast food joints. West HQ (formerly Rooty Hill RSL) seems to have a lot of food options, though. The place is absolutely massive now.

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