Geez, ive just been rewatching Friends as a good series to have in the background while cooking etc
Imma go cry. A lot.
The media were such sons of bitched to him about his battles with addiction and weight loss and gain.
I seem to recall him appearing on Colbert’s show talking about his issues, I’m not 100% about that though.
Looks like Kissinger the war criminal finally died.
It hurts me that Betty White narrowly missed her 100th but this POS got his century.
Henry Kissinger finally goneski, this thread has been in some ways a testament to how the worst people somehow live the longest.
1986 at the Enmore. One of the best gigs ever.
I was at this. As the late great Flann O’Brien said " Many other things happened on that night that are now imperfectly recorded in my mind…"
Surprised he made it out of his twenties, or thirties, or forties. RIP
and Paul Kelly opened for them. Damn what a show that must have been
Bill Granger, celebrity chef, died on Christmas Day at age 54.
Shitty way to end the year