The Death Thread - The Grim Reader

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Denis law has passed

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Very sad, he was awesome, definitely one of the 5 best ever Scottish players.

Not sure if covered elsewhere, but former Sydney FC CEO Stefan Kamasz died this month. He was a proper passionate football man, and just a lovely guy.

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Yeah, the 1967 unofficial world champions pennant is a nice touch… from an English dude.

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Every Lynch movie.

RIP. Man he did some weird but very intriguing shit.

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Broken English one of the finest albums of it’s era.

I read a couple of his books when they came out in the 80s, never really saw what the fuss was about, but then the surrealist/absurdist style isn’t something I never had much time for, seemed like an excuse for shitty writing more than anything.

Try reading Jitterbug Perfume